Hi Guys:

Not home from work early enough to get in on any SUNSET SKIP the past 2 days, but last night I did manage a New Station just before Bedtime!!! It`s a RELOG for the OVERALL LOG...But NEW to the ULR LOG!!

RADIO USED is.......................................SONY SRF-T615 ULR BAREFOOT

ULR LOG TOTALS are now.....................876 Stations Heard

73..............................ROB VA3SW

Robert S. Ross
London, Ontario CANADA

590 WROW Albany, NEW YORK Jan/11/11 2252 EST       EE       GOOD
Mixing with CJCL Toronto...sometimes on top!!
Standards Music @ 2252 Tune-In. ID by Male DJ as "MAGIC 590 AM".
More Standards Music. CBS NEWS??? 2300-2303 EST. Geico Ad.
Into "MAGIC WEATHER" and a Storm Warning 23 Degrees. Another "Magic 590 AM" ID.

RELOG............But NEW ULR # 876            5/1 KW

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