Jim Pogue asks: Randy, how would you say the Sony ICF-7600GR compares with the 

Unfortunately I've never owned a 2010 (though I played with one in a store 
once!), but from all indications the 2010 has the superior synchronous detector 
circuit (evidently Sony's never quite managed to duplicate its excellent 
qualities in any other sync-equipped radio), but the 7600's works well.   The 
7600, being quite a bit smaller, has a smaller built-in ferrite bar antenna, 
thus it isn't quite the powerhouse the 2010 was/is in terms of LW/MW reception. 
 It's also not as sensitive on SW. Still, I can log TAs here in Missouri on the 
7600 when conditions are good.  My biggest complaint with it is the audio 
quality, which is mediocre at best on LW/MW/SW--stereo FM thru headphones is 
fine.  It only comes with one built-in IF bandwidth, but it's actually pretty 
good for DX purposes.  Its sideband reception is fairly stable--the rotary 
thumbwheel for fine-tuning SSB is pretty touchy, and gets more so with age, but 
you can manage pretty good ECSS reception.  I've always really!
  liked the 7600 overall.  
Randy Stewart
Springfield MO

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