Rick Dau wrote that "Brazil on mediumwave here [in Omaha] would be a pipedream 
for me."
(Me too, here in southern Missouri!)  He also mentioned logging Colombians in 
1994 from Iowa City.
"I'm just curious if any other landlocked DXers have gotten anything exotic on 
MW from South America since then."
      The only really "exotic" or "deep South America" log I can claim is 
reception of one of the HCJB-690 Ecuador DX tests from the 1995-96 DX season.  
Bagged the test of 7 January 1996 at 0705 UTC (2:05am Central time) with 
definite log of Morse code ID & some identifiable music selections like 
"Swingin' Safari." QSLed it too.  Then on October 30 of that year about 8:00pm 
local time, in very auroral cx, I logged HJLI-1520 "Ecos del Palmar" (Bogota) 
with tropical  music and slogan ID after every song.   Those were both on a 
Yaesu FRG-100 with a little 2-foot Sanserino amplified box loop (the amplifier 
box of which has sadly fallen apart!).
      And that was pretty much it for South American loggings on MW for me.  I 
can't even CONCEIVE of hearing a Brazilian MW station with the kind of absolute 
clarity (and LACK OF QRM!!) Sylvain managed... but I don't have Beverages 
strung up either.  Haven't heard a Colombian in years.  Venezuelans have always 
been very tough here for some reason--even during the peak auroral/Latin 
America reception period of the early 1990s--and it's been many years since 
I've bagged one of them either.

Randy Stewart
Arts Producer
901 S. National
Springfield MO 65897

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