To go along with that, electronic technicians are also becoming obsolete.
There used to be a day when you would troubleshoot a board by carefully
applying a scope or meter probe to the appropriate place to take a
measurement.  Those appropriate places are now dwarfed by the size of the
probe.  Diagnostic codes, diagnostic lights tell you what to remove &
replace.  There's probably one above the tech's head right about now.

Mike Hawkins

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 11:23 AM, <> wrote:

> This is slightly off topic and
> regards semiconductors suitable for RF work with
> leads.  I have built many home brew electronic
> circuits and kits over the years and repaired many radios,
> TV's, Computer circuits, etc. using either parts from a
> local Radio Shack or purchased from a supply house.
> Last week I received a notice from Digi-Key
> informing me that Fairchild Semiconductors will cease
> producing the popular FETs such as the  MPF102
> and  2N3819 in another year or so.  The
> substitutes are going to be surface mount
> equivalents.  I am sure this will also apply to
> transistors suitable for audio work
> I began the DX hobby 50 years ago using tube
> sets.  I lived through the demise of the vacuum tube
> and happily evolved with technology to use
> semiconductors.  But now we enter into the third
> generation of scaled down components.   This
> transiton will not be that easy.
> Tom
> Jasinski
> Joliet, IL
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