--- Begin Message ---
All times and dates strictly UT [5 hours ahead of `ELT`]. Rx: mostly DX-398 or 
PL-880 with internal antenna only; Nissan stock caradio as specified; FRG-7 
with E/W longwire as specified

These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham, which may be found in several archives 
without much delay, such as 

And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST: 

All my MW DX reports starting August 2011 are archived in this forum with open 

These logs are in four sections, Canada [if any], Oklahoma [if any], rest of 
USA, unidentified, separated by ======= Within each, they are in frequency order

** OKLAHOMA. 1640, Dec 14 at 0046-0051 UT and 0210 UT chex, KZLS Enid is open 
carrier/dead air, allowing WTNI sports, something in Spanish, probably Utah, 
and other CCI to encroach. I say again, if you hear nothing on 1640, there`s a 
good chance it`s KZLS.

1640, Dec 14 at 0602 UT, KZLS Enid is *still* open carrier/dead air as noted 6 
hours earlier. Same at further chex 1350 UT, 1454 UT, 1540 UT and 1618 UT. 
Incredible how a broadcaster can care so little about his own station to allow 
this to go on unnoticed for hours and hours.

1640, Dec 14 at 1950 UT, KZLS Enid is finally modulating again after *19 hours* 
of dead air! Or maybe only 15.5+ hours since my last previous check was at 
1618. Geez, what a sorry excuse for a radio station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 


** U S A. 560, Dec 14 at 0615 UT I am getting two stations carrying `Coast to 
Coast AM`, but of course, not synchronized. First one from the E/W, and 4 
seconds later, another from the NW/SE. Altho there are several further 560 
affiliates, I am sure these two are my closest: KWTO Springfield MO, and KLVI 
Beaumont TX (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 880-CUSB, Dec 14 at 1333 UT, Xmas carol, live announcement in English 
and another; nothing on LSB and loops E/W so obviously KHAC Tse Bonito NM still 
on ND day pattern and power before sunrise (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. I don`t always publish replies and follow-ups to my logs in 
subsequent log reports: for that you need to see the `final` editions in DX 
LISTENING DIGEST. But here are a couple prompted by my remarx about PSRA and 
PSSA powers concerning KFLP 900 TX: (gh)

Regarding KFLP 900, Pre Sunrise Authority (PSRA) or Post Sunset Authority 

It's my understanding that if your night power is MORE then the Post Sunset 
Authority power, you can use your night power instead. I worked for one station 
on 1590 and if I wasn't going to sign off at sunset, I could use 27 watts at 
night. However, my post sunset power was anywhere between 4 and 11 watts. I 
could've used that 27 watts and been OK.

Most stations I know who have pre sunrise authority have a pretty healthy 
power. I had 500 watts, and the records were at the station, not in the FCC 
database, but that 500 W was better then the night power.

I assume if your night power was more then the pre sunrise authority, you could 
use your night power there instead, just like you did at post sunset (Paul B. 

That is generally correct. If a station has a higher night power, they have the 
option to use it instead; however, there are some special exceptions where a 
different pattern is also specified for the PSSA or PSRA which is more 
restrictive than the night pattern. This is to prevent unwanted twilight 
interference from sunrise or sunset skip (Russ Edmunds, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Glenn, To add to your thread on Pre Sunrise Authority (PSRA). My understanding 
is you could apply to use your PSRA if you felt your PSRA power and day time 
pattern would be beneficial even if you had an un-limited license. WQXI 790 
Atlanta runs 28 kW day, 1 kW Night DA-Nights. Their night pattern is so riddled 
with nulls, that they choose to run their 500 watt PSRA on their non-DA day 
pattern from 6 AM to sunrise during the year when applicable to aid their 
morning drive coverage. Kind regards, (Brock Whaley, Ireland, Dec 13, DX 

** U S A. 1540, Sunday Dec 14 at 1346 UT, phones, address and website for 
Assemblies of Yahweh being given from NE/SW. Obviously it`s KXEL in Waterloo 
IA, which is on the few-station roster as of Oct 2013 at:
but at a different time, Sundays at 11:30-12:00 pm [CST = UT -6] whatever that 
meant, before noon or before midnite?

KXEL does not provide a plain old program schedule, but at
a bunch of secular talk shows without giving the times!

WMLK may have been off shortwave 9265 for years and years, but we can still 
hear defunct Elder Jacob O Meyer? or his successor with a similar voice/accent. 
``EJOM 1934-2010``

The profusely illustrated and detailed page, 
has NO entries since March 26, 2012!

That station Log has some other interesting entries such as an imaginary 
``Radio Anguilla, 1530`` [maybe `sold` by a phony broker?]; also defunct MW 
split frequencies for DominĂ­ca and Grenada. The only other US stations are 
WWSM-1510 Lebanon PA; KBXD-1480 Dallas TX; WWVA-1170 Wheeling WV; KAAY-1090 
Little Rock AR (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1752, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1590, Dec 15 at 0638 UT, as I tune by, immediately hear ID as ``95-7 
The Force`` (?), but searching this leads nowhere on the WTFDA FM database, nor 
Googling. The answer is in the NRC AM Log, searching 1590 by eye, line by line, 
to find: KGFK East Grand Forks MN, U4 5000/1000, is // K239BG, ``95-7 The 
Forks``. NRC Pattern Book shows at night it`s supposed to be from SW to NE, 
null to the SE. Day pattern would be better for us, cardioid with null to the 
WSW. Yet another station allowing the translator tail to wag the dog of an AM 
frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

I did not see the following report until later: (gh)

Cheating --- 1590 E Grand Forks, 1570 Golden Valley both cheating. Sincerely, 
(Todd Skaine, Woodbury, MN, Sony ICF 2010, Superradio 2, Grundig S350 & M400, 
Toyota car radio, 1128 UT Dec 11, MDXC yg via DXLD) Also 1530 Arkansas with 
black gospel (Skaine, 1131 UT, ibid.)

--- End Message ---
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