The current edition of the online industry talk-radio journal Talkers Magazine mentions FCC Chair Tom Wheeler writing in a blog post 
about being "committed to taking action... so that AM radio will flourish."  He 
says he'll conclude the "open item" on AM technical issues "in the coming 
weeks... with a Report and Order that will buttress AM broadcast service and 
ease regulatory burdens on AM broadcasters.  The proposed Order would adopt 
specific measures to address practical problems and interference-related issues 
that have long plagued AM stations across the country." Among the items in the 
proposed Order: giving "stations more flexibility in choosing site locations, 
complying with local zoning requirements, obtaining power increases, and 
incorporating energy-efficient technologies."  Wheeler claims "these actions 
will help to ease some of the technical limitations that have hindered AM 
stations in serving their listeners."  The NAB's Dennis Wharton p
 rofesses gratitude for Chairman Wheeler's plans, and both he and Wheeler give 
props to FCC Commissioners Clyburn and Pai for laying some groundwork on this.
     I don't know... are they just putting Band-Aids on a lethal shotgun wound? 
Discuss, discuss....

Randy Stewart
Arts Producer
901 S. National
Springfield MO 65897

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