Interesting evening yesterday. Two new countries for me and an ID on a
Spanish station. I've decided not to log or report SS stations unless I can
ID the location, and I was aware that a number of them have regional/local
programs and ID's at certain times of day - I note that it is usually around
0625 UTC and I am looking forward to the middle/end of October when most of
Spain is still in darkness at that time.



1. MOLDOVA - Vesti FM 1413 kHz (Grigoriopol) 21 Sep 2016 0301-0303 UTC:
Interesting one, in that the frequency was dominated by Spain RNE R5 at the
TOH (you can hear the pips and ID in the recording which starts at 0300) and
then slowly in the background the Russian NA starts to be heard until it is
dominant at 0301 and then fades again quite a bit by 0302:30. I recognized
the NA right away because I am Canadian and watched a lot of hockey games
when this tune was used for the old Soviet Union, with different words. No
other identifying characteristics, so presumed.  Rcdg from 0300.


I went back and reviewed the same time on the 19 Sep recording, and have the
same NA at the same time, at better levels. Nice RR audio from 0228:30 19
Sep 2016 and mention of Vesti FM at BOH, so I'm going to take the presumed
status off and consider it confirmed. Rcdg from 0228:45 19 Sep 2016.



2. SAO TOME E PRINCIPE - VOA 1530 kHz (Pinheira) 21 Sep 2016 0258-0300 UTC:
Yankee Doodle IS and VOA ID at sign on. Fair-good with splatter, not
intelligible after 0300:30. Rcdg from 0258:45.


3. SPAIN - RNE R5 VIGO 1413 kHz (Vigo) 19 Sep 2016 0328-0331 UTC: some sort
of children's sing-songy mx, pips and ID as "Radio Vigo" at BOH. Fair-good
with splatter. Recording from 0328.



Kind regards,



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