Mostly Aussie today, especially during enhancement....but a couple of Asians turned up as well. A quick check at 1030UT yielded only JOAK and JOUB, but by 1215UT, it was mostly Australian. with 3WV and 3LO holding the fort on those channels.

No Filipinos that I could hear, unlike at Grayland (hope the antenna survived. The storm of the century was a decided squib here. Oh well, the antenna support guy lines needed tightening anyway) Probably missed lots of DX, too many channels to check.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least briefly):

612 4QR 1339UT and other times with Saturday Night Country.
702 2BL 1357UT Saturday Night Country //various non-Queensland stations

Reasonable audio at times during the period (much of it understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

531 rock music 1358UT, and across the hour also as it faded down.
621 3RN DU English woman //576, at some points stronger than 620 1406UT
630 4QN "that's Roger Miller on Saturday Night Country" by woman, as part of an interview. This faded over domestic (KCIS?) and just stayed there for 3 minutes, //612 and stronger for the most part. New here. (and what I mean about monitoring every channel....happened to tune back at 1400UT to this frequency, and there it was dominant across the hour ABC fanfare and news etc.)

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could be understood by a native speaker:

567 RNZ National  choral music 1356UT //756 and 675
576 2RN DU English woman //621 1406UT
594 3WV  Saturday night country //702 1415UT
594 JOAK Japanese man fighting with 3WV country 1340UT
603 R Waatea lively vocal music 1410UT //765 which was at similar level
639 5CK man talking 1402UT //891
792 4RN assumed with slow swinging vocal 1351UT
891 5AN country ballad //639 1337UT
909 Star. Soft vocal music capturing synchronous AM lock from 910 at times; ID's a couple of times earlier //882
1566 HLAZ  woman in Japanese 1337UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music)

558 unID slow vocal music and somethig else 1415-17UT, Fiji?
585 7RN talking //576, but 9 minutes later music was heard, not //576, so, a mix of stations
603 4CH man talking //612 1414UT
828 3GI woman talking //702 1219UT and various other times
846 4RN man talking 1404UT //576
882 Star soft music //909 1342UT
954 woman and man talking 1344UT, Japanese inflection?
1116 4BC? DU English sounding men, teletalk 1344UT
1242 pop music, man talking, too much splash to guess at language
1287 man talking 1338UT, Japanese inflection

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter) lots of near audio here

819 1026  1179 1386 1503

best wishes,



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