Mostly a ho-hum morning, with the regulars (and no X-band action), but was surprised to get a definite log of AFN on 1575, which I've never definitely logged here previously.

594     JOAK    Tokyo, JAPAN    Man in Japanese at 1354.        

693     JOAB    Tokyo, JAPAN    Woman in Japanese during language lesson at 

774     JOUB    Akita, JAPAN    Woman presenting English lesson at 1358, //693.

828     JOBB    Osaka, JAPAN    Man and woman with language lesson at 1258, 
//774 etc.

1116    4BC     Brisbane, AUSTRALIA     Talk by the regular talk show host at 

1566    HLAZ    Jeju, S.KOREA   Rather weak, with woman speaking at 1355.

1575 AFN JAPAN Traces of music first noted at 1338, and just strong enough by 1350 to confirm // with SDR in Japan.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta
Perseus SDR and Wellbrook Phased Array
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