Overall, this was a pretty good morning.  The highlight was hearing JOHB-1089 through the local 1090 splash.  There were also several second tier Chinese stations checking in, with 918 and 981 putting in their best signals so far this season.  I remembered to listen for Alaskans today and heard KICY & KBBI, plus possible audio from KDLG KFQD and KNOM.

558    S KOREA, 1345 pop songs //603 weak

594    JAPAN, JOAK, 1300 already very good w/Japanese woman, pips at ToH, then start of next program

603    S KOREA, KBS, 1345 easy-listening Korean pop songs fair, best I've heard this one in quite a while

657    DPRK, 1329, violin then woman singing fair

666    JAPAN, JOBK 1352 weak talk //594

693    JAPAN, JOAB, 1316 Chinese lesson good w/some CBU splash //774

747    JAPAN, jOIB, 1307 good Chinese lesson //774

756    CHINA, CNR1 1347 weak Chinese talk //981

774    JAPAN, JOUB, 1305 good w/Chinese lesson

792    UNID, 1359, rapid talk, Chinese like infections weak

819    DPRK, 1321 patriotic martial  music, then female singer rising above the oppressive capitalist splatter from KGNW

828    JAPAN, JOBB, 1314 Chinese lesson good

850    ALASKA, KICY, 1400 fair w/hymn & quasi-signon announcement u/local KHHO

890    ALASKA, KBBI 1359 good after CJDC fadeout w/legal ID & marine weather

918    CHINA, probably Shandong, 1335-1355 various people in Chinese mostly fair, briefly good at times, possibly a radio drama, very echoey after 1355 w/what sounded like a string of ads, 5+1 pips 1400, then possible ID but too weak to decipher by then.

936    CHINA, 1330 unid w/Chinese talk and flute music briefly fair, probably Anhui

945    CHINA, CNR1, 1335 weak talk //1098

963    CHINA, CRI, 1400 nice "Radio Kityaya" IDs and the usual CRI ToH horn flourishes

972    S KOREA, KBS 1330 good at times

981    CHINA, CNR1, 1345 smoking good signal, the best I've heard so far this season on this freq

1089    JAPAN, JOHB, 1400 3+1 pips, then lively music to start the next program //774, weak but surprising with much splash from local 50kw KFNQ-1090

1098    CHINA, CNR1 1335 Chinese talk poor //945

1206    CHINA, Yanbian. 1330 poor traces of talk

1287    JAPAN, JOHR (presumed) 1402 bits of talk

1566    S KOREA, HLAZ, 1330 good at times w/the usual Japanese stuff

1575    UNID, traces pf talk 1402, probably VOA

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