Below are the catches I was able to pull from my files today. After the
bare scraps of TPs on Monday and Tuesday, November 7th seemed like drinking
from a fire hose. I tried to locate JOIG on 648 which Nick mentioned, but
never found anything more than whispers on that frequency.


531 JAPAN JOQG Morioka, Nov 7 1421 - Man and woman talk in Japanese,
peaking briefly to good at 1421. Likely Morioka, as audio was not parallel
963 or 549, which eliminates other possibilities per Bruce's excellent PAL
reference. (Atkins-OR)

558 JAPAN JOCR Kobe, Nov 7 0809 - Noted this one rising up from the noise
with a Japanese ballad and talk by man. Fair. (Atkins-OR)

567 JAPAN JOIK Sapporo, Nov 7 0644 - Another Sapporo early riser; poor
level but increasing, with female talk in Japanese. (Atkins-OR)

567 SOUTH KOREA HLKF Jeonju, Nov 7 1500 - Likely HLKF here with news items
in Korean, beneath a stronger JOIK. Fair. (Atkins-OR)

594 JAPAN JOAK Tokyo, Nov 7 0648 - Fading in well before Tokyo local SS,
along with other major NHK outlets. (Atkins-OR)

621 UNIDENTIFIED Unid, Nov 7 1130 - A jumble of Chinese and possible Korean
on 621, so perhaps Pyongyang VOK and one of the Chinese RGD stations.

639 CHINA CNR1, Nov 7 1500 - Very strong signal at 1501 peak with partial
ID for CNR1. (Atkins-OR)

639 UNIDENTIFIED Unid, Nov 7 1705 - A mix of at least two stations, the
dominant one seemed Japanese with singing and talk. Very weak signal at two
hours past local SR, but noise level was low. (Atkins-OR)

657 NORTH KOREA Pyongyang Bangsong, Nov 7 1254 - First heard with
orchestral music, but signal nosedived prior to top of the hour. Back in
audio again 1314 with harsh speech or commentary in Korean. Fair.

666 JAPAN JOBK Osaka, Nov 7 1013 - Good level of Japanese talk for a couple
of minutes, then disappeared completely at 1315...likely to resurface.

675 VIETNAM VoV1, Nov 7 1516 - Fast talking women in Vietnamese, identified
by parallel on 711 kHz. Poor to fair signal on peaks. (Atkins-OR)

693 JAPAN JOAB Tokyo, Nov 7 0654 - Fading in a little later than some of
the other NHK stations, but growing a bit louder with Japanese talk.

693 NEW ZEALAND R. Sport Dunedin, Nov 7 0658 - Tentative with faint talk in
Kiw(?) accented English between two announcers. Signal poor, but rising up
from the noise as New Zealand sunset approaches; JOAB faded back down.

702 JAPAN JOKD Kitami, Nov 7 0653 - Presumed this more northerly outlet
fading in, versus JOFB Hiroshima. Talk in Japanese. (Atkins-OR)

711 VIETNAM VoV1, Nov 7 1516 - Fast talking women in Vietnamese, identified
by parallel on 675 kHz. Poor to fair signal on peaks. (Atkins-OR)

729 JAPAN JOCK Nagoya, Nov 7 1017 - Man and woman with quick talk in
Japanese. Fair signal. Parallel to 594. (Atkins-OR)

747 JAPAN JOIB Sapporo, Nov 7 0628 - Fading in with female announcer. Low
level signal. (Atkins-OR)

774 JAPAN JOUB Akita, Nov 7 0626 - Poor to fair at tune-in with male
announcer. First Japanese outlet to fade in tonight, an hour and a half
before transmitter SS. Broadcasting with 500kW helps  :^)  Building to a
good level at 0637...signs of a great DX night!. (Atkins-OR)

819 NORTH KOREA KCBS, Nov 7 1116 - Presumed Pyongyang with sweeping,
dramatic orchstral music in Korean. Fair to good. (Atkins-OR)

828 JAPAN JOBB Osaka, Nov 7 0743 - Man and woman in discussion; fair signal
but improving by the minute as sunset moves across the country. (Atkins-OR)

837 JAPAN JOQK Niigata, Nov 7 829 - Presumed this one with Japanese talk
and mellow vocal music. Fair signal. (Atkins-OR)

864 JAPAN Unid, Nov 7 0846 - Unknown Japanese station here, with talk by
female announcer. This station seemed parallel 1287, so this could be one
of a few low power HBC outlets. (Atkins-OR)

918 CHINA Unid, Nov 7 1500 - Big signal at top of the hour, sounded like a
partial ID with '..Shandong..' in it, so maybe Shandong RGD. (Atkins-OR)

972 SOUTH KOREA HLCA Danjin, Nov 7 2328 - Very good signal of Korean talk
by two announcers, and pop music.A very faint co-channel noted; seemed like
Chinese orchestral music. Huge signal on HLCA at 1500, with faint English
language Christian contemporary music in the background--R. Rhema likely.

981 CHINA CNR1, Nov 7 0839 - Tentative. I noted a Chinese language signal
struggling mightily here, with a faint Japanese signal beneath at time.
Both were very weak. (Atkins-OR)

981 CHINA CNR1, Nov 7 1013 - Presumed this one with Chinese talk by a man.
Fair and improving. Very good at 1442. (Atkins-OR)

1008 JAPAN JONR Osaka, Nov 7 1030 - Rising nicely out of the noise with
Japanese talk or group discussion, and disappearing by 1033. (Atkins-OR)

1017 CHINA CRI, Nov 7 1055 - I noticed JOLB fading, and Chinese language
rising up as 1100 UTC approached. CRI trumpet fanfare at 1100, then ID in
Chinese followed by Korean 'Chung-guk Guk-je Bang-song imnida', per PAL.
Good level while it lasted. (Atkins-OR)

1017 JAPAN JOLB Fukuoka, Nov 7 0828 - Two Japanese male announcers with
talk. Definitely northerly conditions with no hint of Tonga. (Atkins-OR)

1017 UNIDENTIFIED Unid, Nov 7 1501 - A three-way jumble on this frequency,
with Chinese, Korean, and Japanese languages battling for bragging rights.
JOLB Fukuoka, HLAW South Korea, and China are the culprits on 1017.

1044 CHINA CRI Changzhu, Nov 7 1233 - Male and female talk in Japanese,
which is listed in PAL for this time frame. Fair signal but muddy audio or
propagation. Tentative. (Atkins-OR)

1053 JAPAN JOAR Nagoya, Nov 7 0903 - Rapid fire discussion with two men in
Japanese. Humorous 'hi, hi, hi!' banter...wonder what that was about? Fair
level before taking a nose dive. (Atkins-OR)

1134 JAPAN JOQR Tokyo, Nov 7 0827 - Good signal of bouncy music and a
cheerful announcer in Japanese. (Atkins-OR)

1179 JAPAN JOOR Osaka, Nov 7 1156 - Noted with vocal music in Japanese, and
male announcer. Signal was fair but took a dive after 1157 and was MIA at
top of the hour. (Atkins-OR)

1287 JAPAN JOHR Sapporo, Nov 7 0627 - Another early appearance for this
northerly city's broadcaster. Lively man and woman chatter. Poor to fair.

1350 JAPAN JOER Hiroshima, Nov 7 1523 - Tentative. Good signal of lively
Japanese talk by two or three announcers, co-channel with KTIK, Boise,
Idaho (ads for snowmobiles; mentions of Boise). (Atkins-OR)

1422 JAPAN JORF Yokohama, Nov 7 0945 - Rapid fire chatter by two men in
Japanese. Fair and slowly getting better before fades. (Atkins-OR)

1503 UNIDENTIFIED Unid, Nov 7 0955 - I noted a station in Korean language
rise above the noise here at 0955, but it was gone well before 1000. Very
faint...who might this be?. (Atkins-OR)

1566 SOUTH KOREA HLAZ Jeju, Nov 7 0818 - I noted an early fade-in of this
FEBC broadcaster, with large choir and church hymns, plus Korean language
announcer. Poor to fair. Good at 0859 with 'HLAZ' ID by woman, and single
tone at 0900. At 1529 signal was fair during the sign-off of the Chinese
language segment. Sign-on in Russian at 1631 was much stronger (beam
change). (Atkins-OR)

1575 THAILAND VOA Ban Phachi, Nov 7 1359 - No sign of the unid English
station heard earlier, but this station was talk in listed Khmer with a
'VOA' ID right at 1359:41. (Atkins-OR)

1575 UNIDENTIFIED Unid, Nov 7 1317 - I came across 1575 again just as a
weak, US-accented male English speaker was speaking over a non-descript
music selection. It may have been a PSA or announcement. Possibly one of
the AFN Japan stations?. (Atkins-OR)

Guy Atkins
Puyallup, WA USA
DXing from Cape Lookout State Park, OR
FDM-S2 / IC-7300 / ALA1530NLP Imperium @20 ft.
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