On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 12:20 AM, Curt Hagenlocher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, virtual calls from a C# application back into IronRuby are a 
> different matter, due Ruby's dynamic nature.  Here there is both a 
> performance cost and a semantic cost for performing multiple lookups.  The 
> performance cost results from the fact that we have to check for two 
> different symbol names on every CLS call to this method before we can 
> identify that we need to delegate to the base class implementation.  (To be 
> fair, this, too could be cached, albeit with slightly greater difficulty.)  
> The semantic cost is based in the confusion resulting when methods with both 
> names are defined on the class.  Should we call method "dispose" or method 
> "Dispose"? or both?

This is a tough one, glad I do not have to make the call.  Pitfalls
and trouble every way I try to think of it and type a response. :)  My
gut tells me that capitalization matters, regardless of The Ruby Way,
when it comes to .NET.  If you want to write a new Dispose, def

> Finally, as you're probably aware by now, capitalization in Ruby is not 
> simply a matter of convention.  In many cases, the parser actually treats 
> identifiers which start with a capital letter differently than it does 
> identifiers that start lower case.  Now it turns out that method names are 
> one of the places where Ruby doesn't draw this distinction, but I'd guess 
> that many Ruby programmers look at any identifier starting with a capital 
> letter and think "that's a constant".

But given the following:

def Foo


what Ruby programmer would look at Foo and still think it is a
constant?  Of course, if I would have made it lowercase, the
parentheses would not be necessary.  My point is that the parentheses
tell the reader that it is not a constant, but a method.  Is there a
situation where Foo could appear legally, as defined above, without
parentheses and be confused for a constant?
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