I did a couple presentations the last few months on IronRuby or Silverlight
+ Rails.

One was at Devoxx 2008, which I gravely underestimated, where I actually use
a lot of content from Jimmy's presentation and I fail horribly. I didn't
watch that video because I just know it is really really bad.
That presentation was joint with somebody from Microsoft but I couldn't yet
find it on the parleys.com site where it is supposed to be published.

Then I did one at an Italian Alt.NET gathering. I tried to watch it last
night and had to stop because it is more scary than a horror movie. At least
now I know I suck at presenting I can learn and do it better next time. I
should have done that a long time ago :). I knew I had an accent when
speaking english I just didn't know it was that bad either.


Disclaimer: don't watch right after eating food or right before going to
bed. I am not responsible for any damage or harm inflicted by the video ;)
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