Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,

Sesungguhnya kebencian orang2 kafir terhadap Islam
begitu jelas hingga disebut dalam Al Qur'an:
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu ambil
menjadi teman kepercayaanmu orang-orang yang, di luar
kalanganmu (karena) mereka tidak henti-hentinya
(menimbulkan) kemudharatan bagimu. Mereka menyukai apa
yang menyusahkan kamu. Telah nyata kebencian dari
mulut mereka, dan apa yang disembunyikan oleh hati
mereka adalah lebih besar lagi. Sungguh telah Kami
terangkan kepadamu ayat-ayat (Kami), jika kamu
memahaminya." [Ali Imran:118] 
Di artikel bawah dari majalah Time juga disebut
rencana Israel menyerang Iran setelah sebelumnya tahun
1981 mereka menyerang reaktor nuklir Ossirak.

Oleh karena itu ummat Islam diperintahkan untuk selalu
siap siaga menghadapi serangan itu:

"Dan siapkanlah untuk menghadapi mereka kekuatan apa
saja yang kamu sanggupi dan dari kuda-kuda yang
ditambat untuk berperang (yang dengan persiapan itu)
kamu menggentarkan musuh Allah dan musuhmu dan orang
orang selain mereka yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya;
sedang Allah mengetahuinya. Apa saja yang kamu
nafkahkan pada jalan Allah niscaya akan dibalasi
dengan cukup kepadamu dan kamu tidak akan dianiaya
(dirugikan)." [Al Anfaal:60]
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bersabarlah kamu dan
kuatkanlah kesabaranmu dan tetaplah bersiap siaga (di
perbatasan negerimu) dan bertakwalah kepada Allah,
supaya kamu beruntung." [Ali Imran:200],8599,1536265,00.html

The Many Obstacles to an Israeli Attack on Iran
It has taken out an Iranian nuclear reactor before,
but Israel doesn't have a lot of good options this
time around. Here's why.
Posted Monday, Sep. 18, 2006
Could Israel launch an attack on its own to cripple
Iran's nuclear weapons program? It certainly has the
motivation. Tel Aviv is even more worried than
Washington about the prospect of Iranian nukes — those
bombs might one day be loaded onto missiles that can
easily reach Israel. And the Israelis have previously
shown that they have the will: In 1981, Israeli
warplanes set back Iraq's nuclear weapons program with
a bombing raid against the Osirak nuclear reactor. 

But an Israeli attack on Iran is fraught with as many
potential pitfalls as an American strike would be.
Seth Jones, a Middle East analyst for RAND, has
extensively studied possible Israeli military
operations against Iran and none of them leave him
particularly sanguine. Israel does have conventional
missiles it could launch from land or from ships and
diesel-powered submarines but their capabilities would
be limited for this type of mission in terms of range
and accuracy. The most likely weapons Israel would
use, Jones believes, would be its American-made F-15
and F-16 warplanes that have "long-range strategic
strike capabilities." 

Air strikes, however, would also be difficult to carry
out since reaching the targets would be a problem for
the warplanes. Israel does have aerial tankers, which
would be needed to fuel the jets for the long flight
to Iran and back, and its F-15s and F-16s have been
conducting a lot of refueling training. For the most
direct route to Iran, Israel would have to sneak its
planes across Jordan and obtain fly-over rights
through Iraq from patrolling U.S. jets. That means
Israel would likely have to get if not Washington's
approval for a strike, then at least "a yellow light,"
says Jones. 

In addition, Israel can't muster the firepower that
the U.S. has so its jets could likely handle only a
limited number of targets — perhaps the
soon-to-be-operating Bushehr reactor on Iran's Persian
Gulf coast and the fuel enrichment plants at Natanz
south of Tehran. That means the raid could only hope
to set Iran's nuclear program back for several years. 

Israel has done "serious" contingency planning for a
strike on Iran. Its air force, according to Jones, has
conducted a number of training exercises useful for an
Iran strike, such as simulated long-range air attacks.
Jones says there are also signs that Israel has
stepped up its collection of electronic intelligence
in the Persian Gulf and against Arab countries that
its jets might have to pass over for an attack. But
how serious Israel is about actually carrying out a
strike "is a separate story," he says. "I think the
likelihood at the moment is pretty low." 

It's easy to see why. In the event of an Israeli
attack, Iran would surely retaliate, perhaps striking
Israel with the conventionally armed missiles
currently in its arsenal or goading Hizballah to
unleash another round of terror attacks. Arab reaction
to an Israeli air strike would also be grave for both
Tel Aviv and Washington. "Even if the Israelis didn't
get a yellow light from the U.S. and they decided they
had to strike on their own, it would be viewed among
all major Arab capitals as at least supported by the
United States," Jones says. A Sept. 11 report on
military options by the Washington-based Center for
Strategic and International Studies think tank warns
that an Israeli strike "may also strengthen the
Iranian regime's stance to move toward nuclear
capabilities, and drive many neighboring states to
support Iran's bid for nuclear weapons." 

Israel realizes the consequences as well, which is why
for now it wants the U.S. and Europe to pursue robust
diplomacy, backed by economic sanctions if needed, to
curb Iran's nuclear program. "The economic and
diplomatic leverages are there," says one Israeli
diplomat, "It's only a matter of political will to
bring about a different reality in Iran. There's a lot
that can be done in terms of pressuring the Iranian
leadership through diplomacy and economic sanctions."
But if all that failed and Iran's nuclear program
moved closer to a bomb, this diplomat warned, a
military strike "would probably be something people
would start thinking about." 

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