It's clear that for inductive definitions, relations are frequently more 
natural than sets. But I wonder whether a less drastic solution could have been 
found than abandoning sets altogether. (I'm trying to imagine some sort of 
magic operator to ease the transition between sets with various forms of 
tupling and relations.) I certainly find the new world confusing. And of course 
every set has a function type, which has implications for all the theorem 
proving tools.

On 12 Aug 2011, at 10:26, Alexander Krauss wrote:

> In 2007, Stefan reengineered the inductive package, which could only
> define inductive sets at the time. For many applications, inductive
> predicates were more natural, in particular since one could directly
> attach mixfix notation to them, without having to introduce another
> abbreviation. This was a big improvement.

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