On Sat, 14 Apr 2012, Alexander Krauss wrote:

Accordingly the solution in Scala is:

final class Graph[Key, A] private(rep: SortedMap[Key, (A,
(SortedSet[Key], SortedSet[Key]))])

In Java:

public final class Graph {

 private final SortedMap<...> rep;

 // private constructor:

 private Graph(SortedMap<...> rep) {
   this.rep = rep;

 // public static "factory methods"

 public static Graph empty() {



Note that the so-called "default constructor" is only added when no constructor is defined explicitly. So the above is fine, modulo the usual Java verbosity.

OK, this means that Odersky did not introduce another workaround for a Java problem, but merely provide his own short notion for what was there already.

For good contemporary Java coding practices, Joshua Bloch is the reference: http://www.amazon.com/Effective-Java-Edition-Joshua-Bloch/dp/0321356683/

I did not mean to engage in Java. For me it is just the accidental implementation language of some JVM-based frameworks that are used in Isabelle/Scala.

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