On Wed, 25 Sep 2013, Lawrence Paulson wrote:

I seem to be having problems with this version (f54a8f591e0f).

I tried the usual tricks but I still get compilation errors.

~/isabelle/hfinite/Incompleteness: isabelle jedit -f SyntaxN.thy
### Building Isabelle/Scala ...
GUI/gui.scala:47: error: not found: value split_lines
   if (height > 0 && split_lines(txt).length > height) text.rows = height
Tools/main.scala:140: error: not found: value quote
           error("Bad Isabelle home directory: " + quote(isabelle_home))
83 errors found
Failed to compile sources
~/isabelle/hfinite/Incompleteness: hg id
f54a8f591e0f tip

I don't see a public Isabelle version of that id -- isn't that your project repository?

Maybe your Isabelle clone got messed up locally, as a bad merge produced hy "hg fetch" or "hg up". You can also try to purge Isabelle/lib/classes carefully by hand.


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