On Sat, 3 Oct 2015, Rafal Kolanski wrote:

My priority at the moment is to see a release of jEdit, before we enter the critical release phase for Isabelle2016 -- presumably at the start of the Winter season here in the north.

Once it is there, I will update the jedit_build component accordingly. Then we have a brief window of opportunity to add some small patches on top of the standard jEdit code base as part of the Isabelle distribution.

Well, if you're already warning me that the window will be very small if and when it happens, then I would like to endeavor to make it count.

If you find yourself with some spare cycles, perhaps you can do a Linus and take a look at my patch to Isabelle's font rendering to see if you like at all as a concept (there's a nice simplification to the rendering code in there in addition to the font substitution). If so, I can do extra work to make it more palatable to you / the Isabelle code base. If you don't like it, fair enough, and I'll just maintain a branch locally for my colleagues to use.

I have lost track of the status of this thread, with its various side-threads on isabelle-users, isabelle-dev, and private mail.

In the meantime the situation is as follows:

* jEdit-5.3.0 has been released a few weeks ago, and we are using it since

* I am still waiting for various plugin updates, notably Navigator.

* There are still some fine points to be ironed out in main jEdit and some
  plugins, i.e. bad GUI rendering on very high resolution displays.

This means there will be a few small changes to the jedit_build components, based on what the official jEdit project provides in the coming weeks.

Concerning the font substitution approach: Did you rethink my proposal to use the python interface of fontforge to assemble Isabelle font derivatives systematically?

This would allow applications to use just one font. Thus the special tricks of the jEdit text area won't be required. The result would also work with plain Java Swing components, or in a completely different GUI context (e.g. a web browser).

Note that the Isabelle-generated HTML pages already include the Isabelle fonts since Isabelle/b3c665940d62 (and a few later changes). Other fonts could be used as well, by modifications in the CSS.

Thus we have a chance to get a uniform approach to Isabelle symbol fonts, generated offline by some administrative python script.

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