I certainly don't say no to a tutorial on FacetFactory. Here's the ticket:

On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Dan Haywood

> Sounds like a good idea. The license us compatible. Do you want to raise a
> jira?
> Then, if you want, I'll give you a quick tutorial on how to write a
> facetfactory to implement the feature?
> Cheers,
> Dan
> Sorry to be brief, sent from my phone
> On Jul 13, 2012 8:16 PM, "Jeroen van der Wal" <jer...@stromboli.it> wrote:
> > I was adding some methods with lots of paramaters to a repository and got
> > reminded that I had to annotate all with @Named to have the Isis show the
> > parameter name. This is an anti-DRY pattern and I googled for some
> > solutions. I came across Paranamer, a project which solves the problem
> that
> > Java reflection does not return parameter names. Did anyone looked into
> > solutions like this and might it be worth it to implement?
> >
> > [1] http://paranamer.codehaus.org/
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Jeroen
> >

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