Robert Fisk: Strange goings-on here in Lebanon ... 
Published: 01 September 2007
Stories that just don't seem to make it into print.

Did you know that the Hizbollah "Party of God" has installed its own private 
communications network in the south of Lebanon, stretching from the village of 
Zawter Sharqiya all the way to Beirut? And why, I wonder, would it be doing 
that? Well, to safeguard its phones in the event that the Israelis immobilise 
the public mobile system in the next war. Next war? Well, if there's not going 
to be another war in Lebanon, why is Hizbollah building new roads north of the 
Litani river, new bunkers, new logistics far outside the area of operations of 
the Nato-led UN peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon?

Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Hizbollah's leader, boasts of new weapons. The Lebanese 
suspect that these include anti-aircraft missiles. If this is true - and many 
Lebanese who have spent their lives under Israel's cruel air attacks, assaults 
which have often been war crimes, hope it is - then the next war will be 
anticipated with dark but keen anxiety. Since the Israeli army is incapable of 
fighting the Hizbollah on its own ground - its collapse when faced by Hizbollah 
guerrillas in southern Lebanon last year proved this - what happens if their 
awesome air power is also neutered?

Fouad Siniora, the Lebanese prime minister, ensconced in his little "green 
zone" in the old Turkish serail, can do little to alter the course of this 
coming battle. Supplied with bombs by the Americans so that the Lebanese army 
can continue to blast its way through the Palestinian Nahr el-Bared refugee 
camp - one of the most uncovered stories of the Middle East year - his 
government can do no more than wonder at the resistance of the ruthless 
non-Hizbollah Islamist insurgents who are still holding out there. The US 
ambassador watches approvingly as the Lebanese army continues to "advance" amid 
strongholds and bunkers at a cost of almost 140 soldiers' lives although, after 
four months of "advancing" - as one western NGO remarked to me a few days ago - 
they might soon, at this rate, reach Cyprus.

One can only reflect on how the US ambassador to Tel Aviv reacts when the 
Americans supply bombs to the Israelis which are then used on the Palestinians 
of Gaza. Weapons are always available to blast away at the Palestinians.

This is Fouad Siniora's predicament as Hizbollah tries to destroy his 
government and prevent the election of a non- partisan president next month. 
Locked into Washington's embrace as the latest Arab country to prove the spread 
of George Bush's fantastical version of democracy in the Middle East, powerless 
in a country where the only functioning institution is now the Lebanese army, 
the prime minister finds himself on America's side in the "war on terror" 
against Hizbollah's mentors in Iran. All Hizbollah needed now, poor old Fouad 
was quoted as saying the other day, was "a composer for a national anthem of 
their own".

But there are other fears creating shadows in Lebanon. One of them is the 
sectarianism of Iraq. Lebanon's Shias and Sunnis and Christians all have 
friends and family in Iraq. Many have visited their loved ones who have 
appeared amid the Iraqi refugee masses that have poured into neighbouring 
Damascus. For their care, of course, the Syrians have received not a scintilla 
of gratitude from the Americans who were responsible for creating the 
hell-disaster of Iraq in the first place. It's worth comparing the vital 
statistics (though not on CNN or Fox News): Syria has accepted almost one and a 
half million Iraqi refugees - caring for them, providing them with welfare and 
free hospital services - while Washington, when it isn't cursing Iraq's prime 
minister, has accepted a measly 800 Iraqis.

And Lebanon? No one realises that this tiny Arab country has accepted 50,000 
Iraqis since the great refugee exodus began. Of course, the Shia Iraqis have 
moved into the Shia southern suburbs (home of Hizbollah), the Sunni into Sunni 
areas of Beirut and Sidon, the Christians into Christian east Beirut and the 
Metn hills. And because the Lebanese have always called the Iraqis brothers and 
sisters, there has been no friction between the different Iraqi groups - and 
this is truly wondrous because only last January, Lebanon's Shia and Sunni 
youths were stoning each other in their thousands in the streets of Beirut.

So what else do the Americans have up their sleeve for us out here? Well, an 
old chum of mine in the Deep South - a former US Vietnam veteran officer - has 
a habit of tramping through the hills to the north of his home and writes to me 
that "in my therapeutic and recreation trips ... in the mountains of North 
Carolina over the last two weeks, I've noticed a lot of F-16 and C-130 
activity. They are coming right through the passes, low to the ground. The last 
time I saw this kind of thing up there was before Bosnia, Kosovo, and 

That was in early August. Two weeks later, my friend wrote again. "There were a 
few (more) C-130 passes... I know that some 75th Rangers have just moved out of 
their home base and that manoeuvres have gone on in areas that have been 
used... in the past before assaults utilizing [sic] aircraft guided by small 
numbers of special operations people."

And then comes the cruncher in my friend's letter. "I think that the Bush 
administration is looking for something to distract Americans before the 
mid-September report on progress in Iraq. And I believe that the pressure is 
building to do something about the sanctuaries for the Taliban and foreign 
fighters along the Pakistan/Afghanistan border..."

A few days after my friend's letter arrived in Beirut, the Pakistanis reported 
that the Americans were using pilotless drones to attack targets just inside 
Pakistan. But it seems much more ambitious military plans may now be in the 
works. An all-out strike inside the North West Frontier province before 
President Pervez Musharref steps down - or is overthrown? A last throw of the 
dice at Bin Laden before "democracy" returns to Pakistan?

Stand by for more disasters - from Pakistan to the shores of the Mediterranean. 
But don't expect to hear about them in advance.

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