Islamist Party Set Back in Morocco Vote 
By ANGELA CHARLTON - 4 hours ago 

RABAT, Morocco (AP) - Voters in Morocco deprived an Islamist party of an 
expected parliamentary victory, handing it instead to a secular conservative 
party that is a member of the ruling coalition, according to preliminary 
results announced Saturday.

If confirmed, the results of Friday's vote would mean continuity for this 
important U.S. ally in the Arab world.

In a surprisingly strong showing, the conservative and secular Istiqlal party 
won 52 of the 325 seats in the lower house of parliament, Interior Minister 
Chakib Benmussa said. The Islam-inspired Justice and Development Party or PJD, 
whose growing strength in recent years had worried its secular rivals, had 47 
seats. But that was far short of the 80 seats the party had hoped for.

Final authority rests with King Mohamed VI, who will name a prime minister 
based on the election results. The prime minister will then name a government, 
likely to be an awkward coalition that would include the PJD for the first time.

Istiqlal bolstered its parliamentary representation by four seats, while the 
PJD gained five seats.

The PJD has garnered strength in recent years by tapping disillusionment with a 
government seen as increasingly distant from voters' needs, focusing on the 
poor and jobless youth. Nearly 5 million of Morocco's 33 million people live on 
less than $2 a day, according to the World Bank.

Unemployment, corruption and poverty were voters' top concerns, not religion. 
Yet the vote raised broader questions about the growing strength of political 
Islam in Morocco and beyond.

The PJD accused the ruling secular parties of buying votes and appealing to 
voters with hasty public works projects to thwart its predicted victory.

"It is sickening," Lahcen Daoudi, the PJD's No. 2 official, told reporters at 
party headquarters in Rabat. "The PJD has won, but Morocco has lost."

The interior minister insisted the vote was "transparent." He acknowledged 
several irregularities, including people voting twice in different districts, 
but said such incidents were limited.

Morocco is a moderate Muslim nation known for its relaxed resorts where many 
women shun the veil and bars are common. But the North African kingdom has also 
spawned Islamic terrorists - including those who staged the 2004 Madrid 
bombings and suicide attacks in Casablanca in 2003 and earlier this year. That 
violence has prompted a government crackdown that threatens the king's 
democratic reputation.

The PJD has distanced itself from extremism, and from some members' calls for 
applying Islamic law. Morocco's largest Islamic movement - Justice and Charity 
or Adl wal Ihsan, which openly advocates Islamic government - is banned from 

The election was marred by a record-low turnout of 37 percent. That was an 
embarrassment for the government and the lowest in the country's young 
democratic history.

"It's disappointing, but not surprising. There were no grand debates, no 
serious engagement with the voters to explain to them the stakes of this 
election," said 26-year-old Moufidi Mohssen, a business student in Casablanca.

The center-left Socialist Union of Popular Forces or USFP, which won the last 
elections in 2002 and ruled together with Istiqlal, dropped to fifth place with 
36 seats. The centrist Popular Movement and RNI parties were in third and 
fourth, with 43 and 38 seats.

A total of 23 parties and five independents will serve in the new parliament, 
according to the results. 


Conservatives win Morocco polls

By Zakia Abdennebi
RABAT (Reuters) - Morocco's conservative Istiqlal party, part of a ruling 
coalition, won most seats in assembly polls according to results issued on 
Saturday, but opposition Islamists said they had been robbed of victory by vote 

Provisional tallies showed Istiqlal (Independence), a nationalist stalwart of 
the north African kingdom's independence struggle from France, won 52 seats 
ahead of the Islamist Justice and Development party (PJD) with 47 seats.

A complex voting system makes it almost impossible for any group to win a 
majority, and whatever the outcome, real power in the country of 33 million 
will remain with King Mohammed, who is executive head of state, military chief 
and religious leader.

The moderate Islamists of the PJD had been tipped to do well despite a record 
low turnout and had aimed to become the biggest party in the 325-strong 
assembly, which has limited powers.

But they scaled back their hopes when the results were published. Final results 
will be issued on Sunday.

"Money was our first enemy," PJD leader Saad Eddine Othmani said. "We think 
that the PJD is the (real) winner."

Interior Minister Chakib Benmoussa dismissed the claim but said the government 
would examine any evidence.

"We took every measure to prevent such flaws and protect the election process 
from any illegal influence. We are ready to look at any complaint backed by 
evidence," he said.

The parliamentary polls were the second since King Mohammed came to the throne 
in 1999 and saw 33 parties vie with dozens of independents.

The elections were orderly and professional but marked by isolated 
irregularities, a multinational team of observers deployed by the U.S.-based 
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs said in a statement.

Friday's vote was characterized by "strict transparency and professionalism" 
but the low turnout showed the need for further work to entrench representative 
democracy, it added.

The provisional figures showed a record-low turnout of 37 percent, an apparent 
snub to a political system whose leaders are widely seen as aloof and out of 

The results looked bad for the Socialist Union of Popular Forces (USFP) party, 
Istiqlal's main coalition partner, which dropped from first to fifth place in 

It had hoped voters would reward it for its part in the government's cautious 
social and economic reforms.


Washington is looking hopefully to the polls for evidence its campaign for 
democracy in the Middle East and Africa is helping undermine support for 
Islamic militancy.

Morocco has seen less of the kind of unrest that besets neighbouring Algeria, 
where a car bomb on Saturday killed 37 people. Algeria's violence broke out in 
1992 when military-backed authorities scrapped parliamentary elections than an 
Islamist party was set to win.

Many voters appeared more worried about corruption and poverty than religion.

The liberal conservative Popular Movement (MP) and the National Rally of 
Independents (RNI) won 43 and 38 seats respectively, while the USFP won 36.

Most of the other seats after Friday's vote were divided between many smaller 
parties and dozens of independents including former deputy interior minister 
Fouad Ali el Himma, who stepped down from his job last month to run for 

(Additional reporting by Lamine Ghanmi and Tom Pfeiffer)

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