Israeli Rabbis to Shun Christian Event 
Monday September 24, 2007 3:16 AM
Associated Press Writer 

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli rabbinic authorities have abruptly called on Jews to 
shun a major Christian tourism event, baffling and upsetting evangelical groups 
that traditionally have been big supporters of the Jewish state. 

More than 6,000 Christians from over 90 nations are expected to arrive in 
Jerusalem this week to take part in the 28th annual Christian celebration of 
the weeklong Jewish holiday of Sukkot, or Feast of Tabernacles, according to 
the event's organizers, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. 

According to the Old Testament Book of Zechariah, all nations will make 
pilgrimages to Jerusalem in the messianic era to celebrate Sukkot. Christians 
have interpreted this to mean that Sukkot is a holiday where Jews welcome 
non-Jews to join them in celebration in Jerusalem. 

Thousands of Christians take part in the celebration annually, as do Israeli 
lawmakers, government representatives and ordinary Israelis. 

But last week the chief rabbinate urged Jews to stay away from the event, 
saying some of the groups want to convert them to Christianity. Israel has laws 
against missionary work, and for many here, proselytizing is dangerously close 
to the forced conversions European Jews endured for centuries. 

"According to information that has reached the chief rabbinate, there are 
participants in this conference who convert Jews to Christianity and perform 
missionary activity throughout the year," Rabbi Simcha Hacohen Kook, the chief 
rabbi of Rehovot, who took part in committee discussions of the matter, said on 
Sunday. "This is against the law, so the chief rabbinate is calling upon Jews 
not to take part in the conference." 

The group's organizers said they were upset by the rabbis' call. 

"It is disappointing to learn that some rabbinic authorities are trying to 
discourage the Jewish public from participating in this traditional march," 
said the Rev. Malcolm Hedding, the group's executive director. 

"The ICEJ has never conducted any missionary programs in Israel and we clearly 
instruct our Feast pilgrims against such activity during their stay here." 

There has been a growing alliance in recent years between right-wing Israeli 
groups and some evangelical Christians who believe Jews must return to the 
biblical Land of Israel to facilitate a Second Coming of Christ. 

The Israeli government has forged close ties with conservative American 
Christians, and evangelical groups have contributed millions of dollars to 
Israel. These Christian groups oppose territorial concessions to the 
Palestinians, who want to establish a state in areas Israel captured in the 
1967 Mideast War. 

Some rabbis and Orthodox Jewish activists have become increasingly concerned 
about the growing alliance with Christian evangelicals. They are deeply 
suspicious of Christian activity here, fearing their ulterior motive is to 
convert Jews. 

Benny Elon, a religious lawmaker who heads parliament's Christian Allies 
Caucus, questioned why the rabbinate's ruling was handed down now, after the 
event took place for 27 years with the understanding on both sides that 
missionary activity was off limits. 

At a time when Israel is under threat of attack from Iran and other sources of 
radical Islam, it should not alienate Christians who "are the most important 
ally against this danger," said Elon, adding that he's received telephone calls 
from dozens of Christian friends of Israel disturbed by the ruling. 

His group estimated the Sukkot event would infuse as much as $18 million into 
the local economy. That point wasn't lost on event organizers, who said the 
evangelical event - which they described as a "huge boost" to Israel's tourism 
industry - would take place despite the rabbinate's call. 

The ICEJ says its supporters do not accept teachings accepted by some other 
Christian groups that masses of Jews will die in the final battle between God 
and Satan if they do not accept Jesus. 

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