Iraqi Inquiry Says Blackwater Shooting Was Unprovoked 

Published: October 7, 2007
New York Times

BAGHDAD, Oct. 7 - A completed Iraqi government inquiry found that employees of 
the American security company Blackwater USA shot unprovoked at Iraqi civilians 
at a downtown traffic circle three weeks ago, an episode that killed 17 people 
and wounded more than 20 others, a government spokesman said Sunday. 

The four-vehicle Blackwater convoy, which had stopped at Nisoor Square on Sept. 
16 to seal off traffic for another convoy carrying State Department officials, 
"wasn't even hit by a stone," much less hostile gunfire when Blackwater guards 
began shooting at unarmed civilians, government spokesman, Ali al-Dabbagh, said.

Also Sunday, a joint commission of American and Iraqi senior officials convened 
here for the first time to look into ways to improve interactions between armed 
contractors and Iraqis they encounter in the course of transporting American 
diplomats. One of the main goals of the meeting, between Patricia A. Butenis, 
the embassy's deputy chief of mission, and the Iraqi defense minister, 
Abdulqadir Mohammed Jassim, was to improve procedures to avoid the use of 
deadly force, and to ensure contractors "do not endanger public safety," a 
statement from the American Embassy said. 

The meeting occurred on a day in which a series of car bomb attacks in the 
capital killed at least nine people, apparently all civilians, officials said. 
One of the bombings occurred near the Iranian embassy and killed three people, 
Iraqi officials said. 

Also Sunday, the American military said it had arrested three men who were 
responsible for the kidnapping of five British civilians in Baghdad last May. 
The arrests were made by soldiers from the 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division 
during a Saturday morning raid in Baghdad, according to a statement on Sunday 
from the American military. The three men, the statement said, were members of 
an Iran-backed network, the Special Groups Militia, that engaged in kidnapping 
and smuggling weapons into Iraq. 

In recent days, American military officials here have once again made a point 
of highlighting suspected Iranian influence or involvement in planning and 
executing attacks against Iraq's government and the American military here. 

The latest accusation came Sunday from General David H. Petraeus, the overall 
commander of American forces in Iraq. Speaking to a small group of reporters at 
a military base near the Iranian border, General Petraeus said that Iran's 
ambassador to Iraq was a member of the Revolutionary Guards Quds force, Reuters 
reported. The military has accused the force, part of Iran's elite 
Revolutionary Guards, of killing Iraqis and smuggling roadside bombs and other 
weapons to anti-American militias in Iraq.

"The ambassador is a Quds force member," Reuters quoted General Petraeus saying 
of Hassan Kazemi-Qomi, Iran's envoy in Baghdad. The general did not provide any 
evidence for his accusations. 

Iranian embassy officials in Baghdad could not be reached for comment late 
Sunday evening. 

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