>From ally to adversary?

Posted: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 5:48 PM
Categories: Baghdad, Iraq 
By Richard Engel, Middle East bureau chief

To survive under Saddam Hussein, you had to feign loyalty and turn on your 
friends. To survive after Saddam, you had to cooperate with Saddam's enemies. 
It's a reality that has left so many in Iraq with checkered pasts. 

Some former spies have done well and reinvented themselves. Others have been 
forgotten and disavowed.  

Saddam's final defense minister Sultan Hashim says he is one of the betrayed.

I met Hashim in Baghdad during the 2003 invasion. He was gruff, portly, and 
abrupt and ended up looking somewhat foolish.  I was in the Palestine Hotel, 
holed up with a few journalists still in Baghdad, taking shelter from the rain 
of bombs and rockets. Hashim had come to give a statement to the tiny Baghdad 
press corps. 

He sat at a table set up on a little stage in the Palestine's main conference 
room. A giant map of Iraq was pinned to the wall behind him. Hashim's main 
message was that American troops were bogged down in southern Iraq and were not 
advancing toward Baghdad as quickly as American commanders claimed. Hashim 
wasn't fooling anyone. As he spoke, the map behind him shook like paper in the 
wind as American JDAMs (joint direct attack munitions) and cruise missiles 
exploded outside. Nope, no Americans here. It was almost funny.

But it turns out Hashim wasn't working only for Saddam.  He'd also volunteered 
to work for the CIA to overthrow the dictator.  

Saddam's Achilles' heel

According to Rick Francona, an NBC News analyst who worked in northern Iraq for 
a secret CIA task force code named Achilles, Hashim reached out to the CIA in 
1996 through the former Kurdish rebel leader Jalal Talabani.

Francona and his team were trying to overthrow Saddam. Talabani said Hashim 
wanted to help.

The CIA, Talabani, Ayad Allawi, Gen. Abdullah Shawani and several Iraqi 
officers were all deeply involved. Their names have been previously published. 
The plot was called "Achilles" for "Achilles' heel," the weak spot that 
ultimately brought down the fabled hero. The army officers and insiders, men 
like Hashim, were meant to be that weak spot, the Achilles' heel.

It's unclear exactly how much Hashim actually did for the CIA. He certainly was 
helpful to Talabani, who in turn was helpful to the CIA.  Talabani said Hashim 
"made calls," "communicated" and "helped rebel against (Saddam's) government."

But the CIA's 1996 coup never materialized. Saddam infiltrated the conspirators 
and executed as many as 200 of the plotters, including two of Shawani's sons.

The survivors, however, would get their chance again when the U.S. took a more 
direct approach to toppling Saddam, invading the country in 2003.

The class of 1996 did well by the invasion.

· Talabani became president. 
· Allawi became Iraq's first prime minister.  
· Shawani became intelligence chief.  

But what happened to Sultan Hashim?

Eight of hearts in U.S. deck of cards  

He was sentenced to death in June, convicted as a war criminal.

A U.S.-funded Iraqi court convicted Hashim of involvement in the murderous 
campaign against Kurds in northern Iraq known as the Anfal. Kurdish officials 
say an estimated 160,000 Kurds were killed by Saddam's forces, some with 
chemical weapons. Hashim was a commander in northern Iraq at the time. He may 
very well have been guilty of war crimes. But it seems by 1996, he wanted to be 
OUR war criminal.

It didn't work out that way.  After U.S. forces toppled Saddam's government, 
Hashim suddenly found himself on the run, listed as the eight of hearts on the 
U.S. "deck of cards" of Iraq's most wanted former leaders.

Hashim escaped to Mosul, where he has many supporters and relatives. That's 
where he came into contact with Gen. David Petraeus, now commanding general in 
Iraq. At the time Petraeus was the commander of the 101st Airborne Division. 
Petraeus wanted Hashim to surrender and sent him a letter, a copy of which was 
provided to NBC News by Hashim's former aides.

In the letter, Petraeus wrote:

"... I offer you a simple, yet honorable alternative to life on the run from 
Coalition Forces in order to avoid capture, imprisonment, and loss of honor and 
dignity befitting a General Officer.  I officially request your surrender to 
me. In turn, I will accept this from you in person. You have my word that you 
will be treated with the utmost dignity and respect, and that you will not be 
physically or mentally mistreated while under my custody."

A spokesman for Petraeus, who was forwarded the letter by e-mail, said it 
"appeared to be an authentic copy." 

The spokesman said Hashim "was treated with respect while in American custody.  
But there was never any promise of amnesty."

That's not how Hashim's family says the defense minister saw it.  His son, 
brother and former chief of staff tell NBC News Hashim was promised protection 
and that intermediaries negotiating for Petraeus even suggested the former 
defense minister would be able to assume a prominent role in the new Iraqi 
armed forces. Petraeus' spokesman said the general never had made any promise 
other than a dignified surrender. Intermediaries might have gone further.

Hashim did surrender to Petraeus, and his aides say he was treated with respect 
by the American commander.  Hashim's aides, however, said they were shocked 
that the U.S. military handed him over to an Iraqi court that swiftly sentenced 
him to death.

Will he or won't he?

Now here's the real twist.  

According to Iraqi law, as president, Talabani must sign Hashim's death 
sentence. He must approve the execution of a man with whom he conspired against 
Saddam, a man he introduced to the CIA.

Last month, Talabani told a press conference that he will not do it.  

"I used to urge him to rebel against the government, and he used to cooperate," 
Talabani said last month."So how can I now authorize his execution? I just 

So Talabani, a Kurd, is in the bizarre position of defending one of Saddam's 
top generals convicted of war crimes against Kurds.

For now, there's a deadlock over Hashim's execution. Quietly some American 
officials here are working for some sort of compromise. CIA officials tell us 
they are not trying to commute Hashim's sentence. 

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