South Korean Christian missionaries spread a political message in the North

By Choe Sang-Hun
Published: November 1, 2007
International Herald Tribune

SEOUL: For years, under the leadership of Choi Kwang, a hard-driving missionary 
from South Korea, North Koreans seeking refuge in China were taken to 
apartments where they were put through a rigorous training course in 
Christianity that began daily at 6 a.m. and continued until 10 p.m. The 
trainees repeated out loud the words of an eight-hour-long tape recording of 
the New Testament.

Before taking breaks for meals, Choi and the North Koreans would embrace and 
pray: "Let's spill Jesus's blood in North Korea! Let's become martyrs for North 

By 2001, when his underground proselytizing network was broken up by the 
Chinese police, Choi had turned about 70 North Koreans who had come to him in 
search of food and shelter into missionaries. At least five of them are 
believed to have been executed in North Korea. At least six others are thought 
to be in North Korean prison camps.

"When we had our first martyrs, my body and heart were racked with pain and I 
could not walk, sit or lie down," Choi, who is 51, said in an interview. "But, 
as I prayed, God told me that North Korea is a land that cannot be evangelized 
without martyrs."

South Korean Christians, who send more missionaries abroad than any other 
country except the United States, recruit converts in some of the world's most 
challenging places. Their zeal drew international attention over the summer 
when 23 South Korean volunteer aid workers, members of a Christian church, were 
captured in Afghanistan by the Taliban. Two were killed, and after weeks of 
captivity, the rest were released after South Korea promised to bar its 
Christian missionaries from Afghanistan.
But long before that, evangelical Christians in South Korea had focused on 
North Korea, which guards itself against Christianity with as much fervor as 
any Muslim country. Their crusade often smacks of a political campaign.

"In our Christian world view, Kim Jong Il is the anti-Christ and his government 
an evil regime," said Kim Sang Chul, head of Save North Korea, one of several 
Christian groups in South Korea that call for the toppling of the North Korean 
leadership. "In our Christian world view, peace with North Korea is nonsense."

Although North Korea's Constitution, on paper, provides for freedom of 
religion, in reality religious expression is tightly restricted. Schoolchildren 
are taught that religion is the "opium of the people" and that missionaries are 
"a tool of imperialism." North Koreans who have met with missionaries have been 
sent to prison camps, according to human rights groups.

Major Christian groups in South Korea have raised millions of dollars to 
deliver food, medicine and clothing to the North and to build or renovate 
hospitals, schools and churches there. These groups believe that good will 
builds trust and helps North Korea open up, a strategy favored by President Roh 
Moo Hyun of South Korea.

But many politically conservative Christians in South Korea reject this 
approach. Instead they dispatch missionaries to northeastern China, where they 
evangelize among North Korean refugees. They also operate smuggling networks to 
smuggle North Koreans out, and spread the Gospel into the North via balloons 
and radio broadcasts.

"You cannot expect North Korea to change from the top," said Yu Suk Ryul, 
chairman of Cornerstone Ministries International. "The best way to change North 
Korea from the bottom is to spread the Gospel."

Cornerstone supports underground churches in North Korea by way of ethnic 
Korean-Chinese traders, who supply Christians there with "mini-Bibles" 
translated into a North Korean dialect, as well as financial assistance and 
other goods. The group says that it supports more than 1,000 underground cells 
in North Korea, and that the number is "growing fast," Yu said.

Cornerstone also releases plastic bags filled with Christian messages and 
sweets at sea, with the intent that they wash ashore in the North.

The evangelists' tactics are aimed at undermining two pillars of North Korea's 
Communist government: the isolation of its people and the near-deification of 
Kim and his late father, Kim Il Sung.

"North Korea is like one big church. Its God is Kim Il Sung, and its Jesus Kim 
Jong Il," said Lee Min Bok, a North Korean defector-turned-missionary. "When 
North Koreans study the Bible, they see a lot of similarities between the two 

While most of the world counts the years from the birth of Christ, North Korea 
counts them from the birth of Kim Il Sung; 2007, in the North Korean calendar, 
is the year 96. Every town in the North has a Kim Il Sung statue at its center. 
Every home keeps a Kim portrait, and every factory and collective farm runs a 
"Kim Il Sung ideology center."

One of Lee's main weapons against what he calls "Kim Jong Il idol worship" is 
balloons. He uses them to carry thousands of leaflets bearing news from the 
outside world and biting criticism of the North Korean government, in addition 
to Christian messages.
The North has complained about this tactic in meetings with South Korean 
officials. "Like David's slingshots striking Goliath, our leaflets hit Kim Jong 
Il where it hurts," Lee said. "No wonder the beast is shrieking with pain."

The Christian mission gained urgency in the late 1990s, when a famine that 
eventually killed up to two million people drove thousands of North Koreans 
into China.

"I heard incredible stories from North Koreans in China: of villagers digging 
up freshly buried human bodies for food, schoolteachers unable to conduct 
classes because they were starving, families cooking infants' afterbirth to 
eat," Choi said. "I thought about all those poor North Koreans dying and going 
to hell because their souls were not blessed by Jesus."

Korean missionaries in China provided food and shelter for refugees, who lived 
in constant fear of being caught by the Chinese authorities and sent back to 
North Korea.

"You don't say outright 'believe in Jesus,' " said the Reverend Lee Seung Bae 
of the Christian Mission for North Korea. "You show them South Korean 
television and Christian movies. Some refugees return to us and we gradually 
introduce them to Jesus."

Choi, for his part, developed a more direct system. He lived with his refugees 
in an apartment and had them repeat Bible tapes aloud.

"That way, they read the New Testament from cover to cover each day," Choi 
said. "The tape is fast and you don't understand what it says when you first 
try it. But after going through it 10 times, you begin to understand. After 100 
times, you feel it's too slow."

Choi's aim was to produce "North Korean missionaries for North Koreans." He 
started with 14 refugees in 1998. Eight of them finished the course and were 
sent back to northeastern China to convert more North Korean refugees to 

When the Chinese police broke up Choi's group in Xi'an in central China, in 
2001, he had converted 250 North Koreans, of whom 70 were trained as 
missionaries. Choi was expelled from China and 59 of his followers were 
deported to North Korea.

"The Chinese police beat us mercilessly with batons," said one North Korean who 
was sent back and later escaped to the South. "But we huddled together and sang 
hymns all day."

The man, who asked for anonymity to protect his relatives in the North, 
criticized Choi's methods.

"Confining people who have nowhere to go and making them read the Bible for up 
to 14 hours a day is like telling a drowning man he'll be saved only if he 
believes in Jesus," he said.

There is no reliable information on how many missionaries may have lost their 
lives in their work. The Reverend Joseph Park, the mission director of the 
Christian Council of Korea, said there was evidence that "many martyrs, perhaps 
dozens, have spilled their blood in the North." He added that an intensified 
crackdown by China has forced some missionaries to leave.

Choi has not been allowed back into China, but he said others maintain the 
mission there. One continuing program is Bible transcription.

North Korean refugees are paid one yuan, or about 13 U.S. cents, for each page 
they copy, Choi said. "This way, we spread the Gospel and help them earn a 
living. There are plenty of North Korean refugees who want to do this, but we 
don't have the money to support them all."

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