Rolled-up Trousers

Newsnight rips apart mosque extremism report
Osama Saeed

 Tonight's Newsnight investigation into Policy Exchange's recent report on 
extremism in British mosques found major irregularities with the receipts that 
the think tank handed them to investigate the issue further:

  a.. Receipts from North London mosque's bookshop, when the mosque doesn't 
have a bookshop. Forensic examination revealed that the receipt's heading had 
been printed on an inkjet printer - when usual procedure for such pieces of 
paper would be mass printing
  b.. Receipts from other mosques printed entirely on inkjet printers
  c.. A receipt for Euston Mosque with the address on it being for the mosque 
next door to it on North Gower Street (who would have thought that two mosques 
next door to each other would be an advantage one day!)
  d.. Forensic tests that found handwriting matching on two separate receipts 
for different mosques
  e.. Forensic tests showing that the writing on one receipt had been done on 
top of another receipt for an entirely different mosque
Policy Exchange are bang to rights and would be better advised to put their 
hands up. Instead Dean Godson gave us ten minutes of defence which included 
condemning Newsnight's - yes Newsnight's - "shoddy methodology" and saying that 
the receipts were just the "belt and braces" part of the report. If that's the 
case, you have been caught with your trousers down Mr Godson.

Edinburgh Central Mosque was one of those fingered by the report. I said at the 
time that the mosque had no idea how this literature was supposed to be on 
their premises. A strange thing then happened a week or two later. A stash of 
the pamphlets in question were dropped just inside the doorway to the mosque. 
No one has any idea how they appeared there, as certainly none of the mosque 
authorities ordered them. Someone clearly outside dumped them, and they are 
currently investigating who that could be. Unfortunately, BBC Scotland, 
including Newsnight Scotland, did report Policy Exchange's "findings".

People at the mosque were smelling a rat at the time, and that will now just 
intensify in the light of the Newsnight report.

This will obviously also raise questions about the role of thinktanks like 
Policy Exchange. They have a right to do their work - spinning results is one 
thing, making them up another though - but should the media give them so much 
instant coverage? This was all over the newspapers and news bulletins when it 
was released. Immense damage has been caused by this.

Policy Exchange are also closely aligned with the Conservative Party. David 
Cameron and other senior MPs regularly speak there. One of Policy Exchange's 
reports earlier this year into the Muslim community was synchronised for 
publication at the same time as the party's ideas on engaging with the Muslim 
community. It will be interesting to see what stance they take on all this.

Why would Policy Exchange mock up these receipts? Could their report into hate 
literature have been a piece of hate literature itself? Other serious questions 
remain. Why is Godson defending his researchers, now in Mauritania, in the face 
of incontrovertible evidence? Could he be acting in such a foolish manner 
because it has fatally damaged him and his organisation? Did he really learn of 
the irregularities today or has he known for a very long time? The author of 
the report - Denis MacEoin - surely he has know about this all along? And 
Policy Exchange - as a registered charity, is this any way for them to be 
carrying on?

12 December 2007 in Islamophobia | Permalink 

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