
Recently Netanyahu announced that Israel will allow a number of goods into
beseiged and blockaded Gaza. This announcement was made to pacify a growing
condemnation by the international community following the Mavi Marmara
tragedy. The world should not be taken in by such deceptive move to salvage
Israel's destroyed reputation for their heinious crime towards humanity
unfolded on the decks of  the Freedom Flotilla. The tragedy however has
brought to light the long standing sufferings of Palestinian people
especially Gazans who has been systematically denied of the most basic human
rights for sustainance and freedom.

Even as this article is written. Netanyahu is meeting up with President
Obama to present a list of goods and merchandise to be taken off the list of
restricted items into Gaza. This include among other things avocado..
Building materials of course will remain on the list as these will be used
to construct bunkers and hideouts for rocket firing terrorist, or so they

The reality is, relaxing import restriction will not do anything to
alleviate the sufferings of Gazans if exports are not addressed. For
instance if the import of threads and yarn is permitted than it may revive
the textile industry in Gaza. However if the ban on exports remain, how
would you market your product?  More than 85% of products from Gaza were
marketed to Israel and the West Bank. Even before the siege Gaza does not
have a deep harbour for international trade, which left them with little
choice but to channel their goods via Israel. From Israel, the goods may
find its way to the rest of the world. The local market is out of the
question as the diminishing buying power of the people means that they will
only spend what ever little money they have to secure the basic necessities
of food and medicine, which by the way is in limited supply.Now even if
export restriction is relaxed, how would you operate your bussiness when
your plant has been bombed out and there's no building materials to rebuild.

When Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, Palestinians were allowed to exports
about 450 truckloads of goods. However for security excuses that volume were
reduced to just around 70 trucks loads a day. Since the siege in 2007, only
300 truckloads of exports has been recorded to date. Comparing that with 450
truckloads a day during the pre-siege days, the volume of exports in
truckloads worked out to be just 4 days over a period of three years!.

The network of tunnels that has been dug during the long occupation years
since 1948 has proven to be a big relief to the Gazans. Despite of constant
threats of bombardment by the zionist and closure of the tunnels by Egypt,
the only arab country it borders, there are too many to monitor and to
regulate. It is a valuable lifeline that continues to breath in life to the
strip, despite of the debilitating siege. It has actually met the
necessities of the people at the bare minimum, although highly critical
items like medicine is still unavailable. HAMAS which is in control of Gaza
became stronger financially by the existence of these tunnels. It becomes a
source of revenue from the tax exacted on the goods brought in through these
tunnels, filling up government coffers to run the administration of the
strip and to serve the people. That explains how the officials in Gaza
managed to deliver cash handouts to all the families affected by the
Israel's brutal attack in late 2008 and early 2009.

So what was the real reason behind the near complete ban on exports and
relaxation on imports by Israel? The issue is not food and bare necessities
becuase these can be channeled albeit in low quantities through the
'illegal' tunnels. The aim here is to debilitate the economy. A full
restriction on exports will curtail industrial and manufacturing activities
which in turn will destroy the economy. In this way it will dampen HAMAS
popularity and undermine its government. The siege is not primarily aimed at
preventing weapons or materials to fabricate weapons to reach Gaza. The
siege is aimed more at targeting HAMAS and facilitate a regime change.
Israel is desperate for a partner that will give in to its agenda of
occupation and land appropriation. They have been successful in ousting
HAMAS from the West Bank by kidnapping and incarcerating her MPs and
lawmakers, giving way for the docile FATAH to take over the government in an
unconstituitional means. They hope to achieve the same objective in the
Strip. However the parameters are not the same. With food and other items
allowed into Gaza, 'the situation in Gaza will improve" according to Israel.
The remarks by British foreign secretary, William Hague summed it up
"Israel's long term interest lie in creating an environment where Gaza's
economy can flourish". He said 'It was a step in the right direction". Well,
his remarks are off the mark by several kilometres. It won't relieve Gaza's
economy, but it could be 'a step in the right direction' i.e it will boost
HAMAS popularity and legitimacy in the eyes of the Palestinians in Gaza.

Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor
PACE (Palestine Centre of Excellence)

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