Tak tahulah, kita ni kalau buat apa-apa bagai telur sebiji
riuh sekampung. Daki Gunung Everest, rentas Selat Inggeris, hantar Melayu ke
angkasa lepas, tak salah, tapi apa hasilnya, apa tindakan susulan yang boleh
memberi manafaat kepada bangsa, agama dan negara? Berikut satu artikel dari
laman web tidak “Berlesen” , dari seorang individu yang amat prihatin akan 
angkasa lepas. Banyak artikel-artikel yang menarik di laman web tidak “Berlesen”
ini berbanding dengan laman web Kementerian-Kementerian di Malaysia. 
Apa yang menariknya di akhir artikel ini, penulis mengatakan
negara seperti Palestin dan Korea Utara jauh lebih ke hadapan berbanding
Malaysia dalam teknologi roket dan angkasa lepas, sedangkan Malaysia sudah
menghantar angkasawan ke angkasa lepas.
Between Malaysia and South Korea, our national astronaut
program or better known as Program Angkasawan Nasional (PAN) was initiated far
more early than the latter. In fact, Malaysia’s first Angkasawan blast off to
ISS almost one year early than Yi So Yeon, South Korea’s first astronaut.
While we might rejoice and feel proud of our very first
astronaut, South Korea does not take this event as the apex of their space
program, they move further by embarking on their very own locally develop space
launch vehicle program dubbed as the Naro-1.
Although both Naro-1 launches were considered as
unsuccessful, nevertheless, the space launch vehicle program is a testament to
the capabilities and confidence of South Korea’s local space technology. Korea
Aerospace Research Institute or KARI has been designing three sounding rockets
dubbed as KSR-1, KSR-2 and KSR-3.  
Our immediate neighbour, Indonesia has successfully paved
the way for their very own SLV program. Data and information as well as
experience gathered from almost 50 years of rocket technology development has
allowed local defence industry to come up with defence related rocket
technology. As can be seen on early November this year, Indonesia’s KEMHAN 
of Defence) has conducted field test on its various locally made rockets such
as R-HAN 122mm, D 1220, RWX-200, RKX-200 and RTX-100. These rockets were
developed by various research agency as well as local defence industries such
as Kemristek, LAPAN, PT PINDAD, IAe, PT KS and PT Dahana.
Again, how I envy to the success of these countries
mentioned. Even countries such as Palestine and North Korea have also being
proud of their very own rocket. If only we could do the same…
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