Assalamu Alaikum


How nice and generous of Mr Bush to send 1300+ troops to Sri Lanka to help them in this tough times. He is a GOD fearing and peace loving Christian. How arrogant are these countries who have snubbed US troops who have come to aid them [may be they are linked with Al Qaida too]

“US is a very generous country” says Bush. Even thought they spend 100 billion on occupying Iraq and Afghanistan they still have a big heart to give 80 million in aid to the Countries hit by the Tsunami. God bless USA!!!!


Your brother




British and US Tsunami Aid Snubbed


The Gurkha troops could have been deployed to help with life-saving disaster relief


Indonesia has snubbed Britain's offer of 120 crack Gurkha troops who were to help with life-saving disaster relief.

The decision follows a similar move in Sri Lanka where US military aid was turned down yesterday.

Both refusals significantly step up the politicisation of relief efforts and threaten to the hamper life-saving work of the biggest humanitarian operation the world has ever seen.

The Indonesian government claimed the 120 highly trained soldiers were not vital to relief work, while Tamil Tiger rebels in politically divided Sri Lanka claimed a force of 1,300 US troops would act as spies on the disaster-ravaged nation.

Both British and American troops had hoped to help relief work by clearing roads and building shelters for tens of thousands of tsunami victims.

This afternoon a Ministry of Defence (MoD) spokesman said discussions were continuing on whether Indonesia would accept two Bell helicopters, which would have accompanied the soldiers from their base in Brunei.

The decision to deploy the troops from the 2nd Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles was taken at a meeting of the Government's South-East Asia emergency committee, chaired for the first time by Prime Minister Tony Blair.

The MoD spokesman said: "The offer was made and they have made an assessment of what they can use and what they need.

"They have accepted the idea of the two helicopters, but given the number of infantry soldiers already in the region, they felt further ground troops weren't required.

"We are now discussing the helicopters with them and those discussions are still going on."

In Sri Lanka Tamil leader Nallathamby Srikantha said: "The attempt by American (and Indian) troops to land in Sri Lanka is totally based on their political and military interests.

"They may try to collect details to help the government crush the Tamil national struggle in a future conflict."

The USS Bonhomme, where the troops were based, is expected to be redirected to Sumatra.

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