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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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--- Begin Message --- Sent by: "farzeen azmi" (farzeen_azmi@
>From An Ismaili To A Muslim

Dear Brothers-Sisters

As-Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
May I for the sake of Allah (swt), His Deen and the Muslim Ummaah,
request you to please consider the following facts very carefully and
decide on your responsibility before Allah (swt) in this matter.

I am a revert to Islam. I was an Ismaili before - a follower of the
Aga Khan. And I perceive an important Da'wah responsibility which the
majority of Muslims are for some reason or other are ignoring. I am
not getting you into petty sectarian issues, but a very important
matter - please judge for yourself:

1. The Ismailis (followers of the Aga Khan) all professedly believe
that the Qur'an was time bound and was not meant to be a Universal
message for all times. They believe that their spiritual leader,
Karim Aga Khan, is the "walking - talking Qur'an" and his "religious
pronouncements", whatever they may be, are the "guidance" for the
present times. The fundamental article of faith that there will not
be any NEW revelations or "wahy" after the Qur'an, is being
completely violated by the Ismailis.

2. The Aga Khan has officially Declared himself, before his
followers, as the "Mazhar of Allah on earth". The word "mazhar"
means "copy" or "manifest". Consequently, these Ismailis who call
themselves Muslims do "sujood" before him. So even the primary
axiomatic principle of Tawheed is being fundamentally and formally
violated by them.

3. The Ismailis are not instructed to offer the Islamic Salaah,
observe Saum or perform Hajj. They have replaced Salaah with certain
shirk-infested Dua'as (thrice a day). They are told that their Hajj
is a personal "Glimpse" (Deedaar) of Karim Aga Khan.

4. The Aga Khan and his appointees 'forgive the sins' of the
followers on regular basis. Ismailis are misled into believing that
they will not be questioned on the Day of Judgment for the sins that
are already forgiven in their Jamatkhanas (community centers).
Forgiving of sins is the exclusive prerogative and privilege of Allah
(swt) alone. Qur'an 3:135.

5. Against this backdrop, most of the poor (spiritually poor)
Ismailis who are not introduced to al-Furqan are confused and
misguided. Hence, Ismailis are very easy prey to missionary efforts
by various Christian groups and Baha'is. I have known a couple of
young ex-Ismailis who are today preaching "Pauline Christianity" to
Ismailis as evangelical missionaries.

6. Karim Aga Khan's own daughter Zahra having married a practising
Christian has opened the gates for young Ismailis girls to follow the
footsteps of a family member of their beloved Imam-e-Zaman. The
parents of the Ismaili girls who wish to marry outside of Islam have
no recourse but to let them go.

7. The Aga Khan has made Halaal for the Ismailis that which Allah has
made Haraam for the humans. Taking of interest (usury) is not
forbidden by the religious instruction classes run by the "Tariqaah"
board of the Ismailis. As a matter of fact, the much
publicized "Venture Capital" program (details on the website of
FORBES Magazine - search under "Aga Khan"), of loaning funds on
interest by the AKFED (Aga Khan Fund & Economic Development), has
been a great success. Similar entrepreneurial projects are now being
actively promoted and introduced to poor Muslims of Tajikistan and
neighboring areas.

8. The Muslim Ummaah and the various Muslim leaders are not fully
aware of these Un-Islamic acts and beliefs of this community of less
than two million members, who claim to be the Ismaili Muslims.
Surprisingly, their leader Aga Khan claims himself to be a spiritual
leader of 15 million Muslims and a Direct Descendant of Prophet
Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam).

9. Earlier, one did not have authentic books on Ismailism, but it is
not so anymore. There are two authentic books as well as one
comprehensive web site exposing the inner practices of the Ismailis
and the Proclamations (Farmans) of the Aga Khans. Hence, now you have
no "hujjah" argument or excuse left before Allah (swt) for not taking
up the task of inviting the misguided "Ismaili Muslims" towards the
Deen of Allah (swt) and not safeguarding them from committing
unpardonable sin of Shirk.

10. The Aga Khan in collaboration with so many Western powers and
aid, has set up the world-wide Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN)
which runs several institutions and service companies both in the
profit and not for profit sectors. This network is very actively
operating in Pakistan, India, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and Bangladesh,
and has now started concentrating its efforts in Tajikistan and the
neighbouring areas where there is a concentration of Muslims who have
not known or openly practised Islam for the decades. By taking up
economical, social, educational and rural development efforts through
NGOs (Non-Govt. Organizations) within the AKDN, the Ismailis and the
Aga Khan have gained wide acceptance amongst these countries and
masses. Hence this urgent appeal.

11. Now all these beneficiaries are "obliged and grateful" to the Aga
Khan and his followers and his organizations for the much-needed
schools, medical centers, hospitals, various projects and programmes.
In this manner they are penetrating and infiltrating the support
system - and one fine day, the Muslim Ummaah will wake up to the
unexpected realization that they have a community of so called
Muslims, practicing the Un-Islamic Tariqaah, in charge of all core
and support activities. Each of these much-needed projects will have
the photos of Aga Khan decorating the walls.

In the name of Allah (swt) and Islam, kindly urge our Brothers and
Sisters to do Da'wah to the Ismailis, who otherwise will, on the day
of judgement, hold us responsible for not conveying the Revealed
Truth to them. Dear Brother/Sister, you know much more on the subject
than what little I have learnt since reverting to the Deen of Allah
(swt). It hurts to see the misguided simple minded people die on
SHIRK because we did not amply warn them before their deaths.
I am aware of your stature as a religious leader of repute,
respectability and acceptance among Muslim Masses, and hence have
sought to put this appeal to you. I request you to seriously consider
this request and initiate all steps that you consider Wajib and
appropriate. To spread the "Truth" and eradicate "Tagoot" is a
significant, major Sunnah of the prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi
May I also request you to please forward this e-mail to at least five
(if not all) of your Muslim friends and activists so that greater
awareness of this issue is created, and this request reaches a wider
audience. Please do so. JazakAllah."
In case you wish to seek any further clarification please feel free
to e-mail a message. I will Insh'allah respond. I apologize in
advance, if this happens to be a repeat message.
May Allah (swt) shower His Choicest Blessings on the entire Muslim
Ummah. May Almighty Allah bless you and keep you in the service of
Islam and Muslims. Aameen......

Jazak'Allah and Was salaam,

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