Bismillahi Al-Rahman Al-Raheem

Once the Iraqi forces had entered Kuwait the arrogant savagery of the Americans showed its face, and the US went insane. It moved as if crazed. Bush initiated meeting after meeting with his administration, civil authorities and military in order to formulate its dastardly plans to enable America to intervene and attack Iraq and to impose complete American hegemony over the Gulf. America then undertook financial and economical measures to attack and to enforce an embargo. It mobilized its airforce and navy. Bush contacted the Presidents and other world leaders to incite them against Iraq so that they all became participants with him in his attack. He forced the Security Council to take the sternest of decisions to bind all the countries in boycotting Iraq financially and economically. He also forced a blockade which prevents Iraq from exporting its products and being supplied with arms and consumer goods.

It is America who has escalated the situation and aggravated matters, fabricating stories in a savage manner so as to justify her military attack on Iraq. It took bases for its airforce, navy and army from the Saudi land and the Gulf, from where its military operations set out.

America makes these savage manoeuvres and interventions on the pretext of maintaining international law, protecting friends and ensuring the safety of world oil supplies and protecting American national security and interests.

What is this international law which America claims to protect? Where was this international law when Britain invaded the Falkland Islands? And where was America when Israel invaded Lebanon and occupied its capital Beirut ? And more to the point, where was the American protection for international law when she herself with her own feet marched upon and occupied Grenada, occupied Panama and heated up Libya with bombs to kill Qaddafi?

Were all these manoeuvres according to international law? The American and Western convictions do not extend to the observance of international law except when it suits their interests. And Americas understanding is that what agrees with her interests conforms to international law and what conflicts with her interests contradicts international law. Look how often America utilizes international law and the international organizations to achieve her ambitions and to serve her special interests.

O Muslims !

Iraq, Kuwait and the Gulf are all Islamic lands and their inhabitants are muslims. They are not American or English lands which allow America and Britain to intervene in their affairs and solve their problems. The wealth of these countries is the property of their Muslim people and is not for America, Britain or any other state in the west or the east, so that America or Britain can intervene as a pretext for their protection. The right of disposal of these resources is for their muslim people. The protection of these resources is a duty upon their muslim people not upon America nor Britain. These countries are not a farm or factory for America or Britain. The farms and factories of the Americans and their security are in America and the farms of the English are in Britain.

Therefore their savage intervention is considered an aggression against Muslims and their lands which must be repelled. It is an intervention in the private affairs of the Muslims which is rejected by and unacceptable to Islam.

Only Muslims are responsible for their lands and for solving its problems and for its protection, security and caring for its affairs. The settling of all their issues must remain in their hands and in accordance with the law of Islam. They are not allowed at all to put their issues in the hands of others, whether these others are the Security Council, the United Nations or the International Court of Justice - which are all now in the hands of the America and the Super Powers who utilize them to implement their policies and to achieve their private interests. Muslims cannot put their affairs in the hands of any state, whether this state was one of the infidel colonialists or has ambitions in the muslims lands, such as America, Britain, France and Russia - nor those who do not have ambitions in the Muslim lands, such as Sweden and Switzerland.

O Muslims !

Putting the Muslim affairs in the hands of others to resolve the issues is a means of giving authority and power to those disbelievers over muslims. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala has prohibited muslims giving the disbelievers an authority and power upon muslims. He said “Allah will never allow the disbelievers to have authority upon the believers.” (an-Nisa 141). Also, that means which leads to Haram is prohibited in Islam.

Further, Muslims are not allowed to put their affairs in the hands of the disbelievers so they can be solved by them for the Muslims. They are also not allowed to seek the disbelievers help or support or to invite them to defend or protect them or to solve their affairs by the disbeliever military forces. Because seeking the help of the disbelievers fighting under their own flag for supporting the muslims against the disbelievers is not allowed. More importantly, it is not allowed to seek their help for supporting a Muslim against a Muslim - this is more sinful. Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala says “Let not the believers take the disbelievers as helpers in preference to the believers, as the friend (waliy) is the helper (naseer)”. And the prophet (SAW) says on the authority of Ahmad and Muslim narrated by Anas: “Don’t seek the power of the polytheist ( mushrikeen).”

In addition, seeking the help of the disbeliever to fight The Gulfbeside a muslim against another muslim is a means to extending disbeliever influence and authority over the muslims, a matter which is prohibited in Islam, and must be prevented and not allowed and any muslim or muslim ruler must not be enabled to carry this out or even intend to do so.

Also, we are not allowed to put our affairs in the hands of the Security Council, or America, Russia, Britain or France. This is because we are not at all allowed by Islam to permit the Security Council or the United Nations or any of the disbelieving countries to intervene in solving the muslims’ affairs. Because their intervention is considered as an aggression against muslims, and an intervention in the muslims’ private affairs. Any aggression against muslims or intervention in their private affairs must be prevented by muslims, even by arms.

Allah also prohibits muslims to arbitrate to the law of the United Nations or the laws of the Security Council or the law of the International Court of Justice or any other international law other than the law of Islam. Because all these laws are laws of disbelief which muslims are prohibited to arbitrate to. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says: “Law belongs only to Allah”. And he says: “By your Lord they will not be true believers unless they arbitrate to you in whatever dispute amongst them”. While the laws of the United Nations, international law, the International Court of Justice are laws of deities (taghout), where Allah ordered Muslims to disbelieve in the deities (taghout) and its laws. Allah says: “Have you not seen those who pretend that they believe in that which is revealed to you and that which was revealed before you how they would go for judgement (in their disputes) to false deities (taghout) when they have been ordered to abjure them? Satan would mislead them to go astray”. So all these international laws are laws of disbelief which belong to disbelievers not to muslims. O Muslims, O Army Officers and Soldiers!

What America has done of savage intervention in the Gulf, and inciting the world to attack Iraq and fight against it, it has done that to achieve its interests and force her hegemony over muslim lands. Therefore you must all work to prevent her from achieving her aim and forcing her hegemony on the Gulf or on any part of the muslim lands. And you have to work for the ruination of her reputation and to deflate her pride and save the muslims land from the control of her influence and the influence of all the disbelieving colonialists and those who harbour ambitions over us and you have to attack every agent or traitor ruler who co-operates with any of them.

O Muslims, O Army Officers and Soldiers!

What the Saudi family, these puppet rulers of Saudi Arabia, have done in seeking the help of America against Iraq, and in enabling it to land its planes, soldiers and navy in the Saudi lands and ports to attack Iraq and Kuwait and the muslims there, is a detestable unforgivable crime and a betrayal to Allah, his Messenger and all muslims. Their is no other punishment for this crime except destruction of the Saudi family and their ruling and salvaging the sacred places from their adultery and impurity. This is the position which must be taken towards all the rulers who sought help from America or provided it with facilities.

O Muslims, O Army Officers and Soldiers!

Allah makes it a duty upon you to stand as an unassailable barrier against the ambitions of America, Britain, France and Russia in the muslim lands. He makes it a duty upon you also to appoint a Caliph from amongst you to whom you give the pledge on the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet so as to restore ruling with the revelation of Allah and to demolish the prevailing systems and laws of disbelief and to unify all the muslim lands under the state of the Khilafah and to cleanse them of the influence of America, Britain, France and other states and cleanse them of those traitor rulers who time and time again conspired with those disbelieving countries against their own ummah and countries. So respond and accept the command of Allah so that Allah strengthens you and saves you of these calamities.

Muharram 1411 A.H.
August 1990




Your brother


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