Zionised American Terrorism
The Neo-cons or "Israelites" inspired and conspired invasion of Iraq
is based on false and engineered reasons and grounds. They are
inconsistent with the Case Law, Statute Law, democracy, human rights
or any other cherished values known to mankind. Naturally the UN
Secretary General, President of the Amnesty International etc. etc.
identified the invasion as an act of TERRORISM like millions of
authorities around the world.

The Terrorism in Iraq was carried out against the wish and interest 
of the American people & therefore a prosecution in the Public Court 
is a must.
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freeamericanow/message/23630

Zionised UN Assisted Genocide In Iraq
Zionised and combat coward Americans organised 11 years long 
holocaust in Iraq first. Three successive United Nations Assistant 
Secretary Generals who were responsible for Iraq then resigned in 
protest of Anglo-Saxon genocide in Iraq through the UN Security 
Council. Yet, the resilient Iraqis kept their head high and 
demonstrated their opposition against Zionism.

They bombed women and children. They destroyed their nature and
environment by using many prohibited weapons including the Depleted
Uranium. These zionised criminals went on to destroy Iraqi civil
society, museums, bureaucracy, police, army and all other
infrastructures. Iraqi academics and academia became the systematic
target of Mossad under the direct patronage of USA.
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freeamericanow/message/23628

Zionism vs Nazism
The Zionism is worse than Nazism as one was the product of a few mad
people during a difficult period of time comparing Zionism - which is
the product of millions of Israelis and their supporters stretching
across half a century with a stamp of infinity!

The Nazism is based on German nationalism and Zionism is based on
Jewish nationalism. The Nazism subscribes on racial purity and
supremacy. The Zionism subscribes on religious purity and supremacy
and eventually ends up with racial supremacy and purity like Nazism!

The Zionists are milking the "Holocaust Cow" while conducting war
crimes, massacres and genocides in the longest running concentration
of the universe located in the occupied Palestine with a stamp of
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freeamericanow/message/23629

Stop The Blame Game
Self-harm, suicide, etc. are neither confined within the boundaries
of any particular sex, race, religion nor teachings of any of the
above groups. Yet, we have been putting up with the evil of suicide

To be precise and specific, Australia is a fairly affluent society.
We do have many research, analysis, support mechanisms and early
warning systems to combat this disease.
Yet, far too many young peoples are committing suicide in many ways.
Sadly, a bad number of older peoples are murdering their own
children, partners and then themselves. Who should be blamed for
these tragedies? Drinking water system, religion, social justice,
political parties or educational system?

In light of the London Suicide attacks and "Mossad" inspired Lakamba
bookshop incident - it is fair and proper to say, "let's try to
understand these problems so that we can genuinely make a few
attempts to address them rather than pointing finger at each other.

However, Murdochian media and Sydney's hate machine radio 2GB have
been inciting against Aboriginals, migrants, Arabs and Muslims for a
long time. They have been doing so without any right of reply and
based on not true, untrue or even false premises. Their incitements
and vilifications appear to be deliberate and calculated to cause
injury to a target group of their selection.

Therefore it should be pointed out that:
Historically, Jews used to launch suicide terrorist attacks against
the Romans. The second Muslim Caliph Omar was the victim of non-
Muslim suicide terrorist attackers. Modern day terrorism was
introduced in the Middle East by the Jews and since then Israeli /
Zionist terrorism appearing and affecting in many places in many
formats. Surely, sometime their victims are hitting back and getting
reported in a magnifying scale. Attack of those kinds got nothing to
do with religion and they may have a lot to do with politics or any
other underlying causes.

Ironically, most of the effective and deadly suicide terrorist
attacks were committed by the non-religious groups or secular groups
like the Tamil Tigers. Etc.! One President and a Prime Minister are
in their victims list. Certainly, they were not Hindu, Muslim or
Christian groups. Therefore a fair and proper analysis of the above
subject is a must rather than deliberate Muslim bashings. Because,
people will find out the real truth and those leaders who are
pretending to lead us without listening to us, and they will be
exposed along with their `plan' to protect us by locking us up 

Freedom of Speech
Monday 1 August 2005
Presented by Michael Duffy

Andrew Fraser is a professor of law at Sydney's
Macquarie University. Recently he has called for a
return of the white Australia policy. A phone poll
which had 35,000 callers) conducted by Channel 9's A Current Affair
showed 85 per cent of the audience agreed with Professor Fraser's
controversial stand. Others see him as a rascist. Andrew Fraser puts
his case on Counterpoint.

He also thinks blacks are genetically inferior than
Whites! His views are promoted, encouraged and appeared to me to be
supported by many hate merchants like radio 2GB and Murdoch's devil


Reply to Hate Merchants

Australia is a lucky country. God gave us plenty.
Natural and mineral wealth is bountiful. Australia
is an island continent with a population of a town
only! We are rich. No one does anything wrong here. No one even
farts! That's why we do not have a "Fart Tax" like New Zealand.

You see, family violence, bag snatching, drunken and disorderly
behaviors come from Aboriginals. Asian migrants and other boat
peoples imported many crimes like bank robbery, mass murder,
prostitutions, etc. Crimes like drug running and gang rapes of our
women introduced by the Lebanese gangs and specifically Muslim
Lebanese gangs!

Ned Kelly, Alan Bond, Christopher Skase, Laurie
Connell, Neville W,  Abe Saffron, and his deputy James Anderson,
Lennie McPherson (even Elle??) Roger Rogerson, Jo Bjelke Petersen,
Mad Dog Cox, etc. etc. were not Aboriginals!

The colorful Kings X identity Billy Bayer, convicted drug dealer
Michael Kenan, executed drug dealer Denny Keram were not Lebanese

The Stratified Plaza massacre villain John Wade
Frankham, Port Arthur massacre villain Martin Bryant, Ivan Millat and
many more personalities are also not Asians.

Even convicted "Israelites" like Renai Revkin, Jodie Rich, Rodney
Adler, Ray Williams, Steve Vizard, ? And waiting to be convicted Reg
Kermode, Graham Richardson ?are neither Muslims nor Asians!!!

Anita Cobby, Jenin Boldings, etc. etc villains are also not Lebanese
Muslims! Do I have to add more?
I can add more. But, for now, I am leaving it for you.

By the way, does this Fraser got any qualification on Anatomy,
Physiology, Neurology, Genealogy or any other subject that makes him
qualified to talk about subjects he is talking to?

However, I am qualified enough to say the following;
1.Attack and abuse on taxi drivers and other
vulnerable goes up when likes of Andre Fraser popes
2. Attack and abuse on workers goes up when likes of Rivken and
Kermodes of the world introduce their new blood sucking ventures.

You see, last night one mid twenty's female fare
evading passenger of mine told me;
1."I am white and born in Australia, you are not and therefore I am
better than you,
2. I can speak better English than you, ? ."

She also threatened to call the police. Unfortunately, when I drove
her almost near the Police Station she disappeared in the traffic and
I could not spat at her.
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freeamericanow/message/23604

Other Sources:

For more evidence please click the link below:

Zionist Criminals

Who's Taking Blame for Christian Violence?
By Calvin White

Roots Of Global Terror

Zionist Paid Piper

Bombers comes from cult of personalities

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