Neocons and the Corruption of the American Republic
By Terry Walz
May 30, 2006

Book Review
Deadly Dogma: How Neoconservatives Broke the Law to Deceive America
by Grant F. Smith: (Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy,
2006). Price: $12.95

A new book on the "neoconservatives" in power calls for criminal
indictments and shows how its leading members, including Paul
Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith, have engaged in corrupt
and illegal actions resulting in the deaths of upward a hundred
thousand people, the selective prosecution of the Arab and Muslim
American communities, and the pilfering of the American treasury. In
place of policy, the American government has been subjected to
racketeering, fraud, con games, and deception, and American soldiers
have been deliberately put in harm's way.

Deadly Dogma, written by Grant S. Smith, director of research at the
Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep), assembles and
analyzes specific violations of the US criminal law code that the
Neocons have practiced since coming to power of George W. Bush in
2000. Some of the violations date earlier, to articulations made
during Ronald Reagan's presidency and then publicized once again
during the late years of the second Clinton administration. Neocon
principles are mere dogma, states Smith following Webster, principles
that are authoritative without adequate grounds.

Of particular originality are Smith's plumbing of historical documents
to trace the development of the doctrine of military preemption, and
the matching of Neocons policies and actions with specific violations
of US laws and federal statutes.

He summarizes Neocon articles of faith as follows: (1) the use of
military preemption as a way of perpetuating Neocon power; (2) a deep
belief in unlimited military spending, even for weaponry that make no
sense, since it often results in fat donations to Neocon pockets; (3)
the elevation of fraud to policy formulation, as in the case of the
case for weapons of mass destruction that allowed Americans to agree
to go to war in Iraq; (4) the willingness to plunder and saturate the
media with highly organized pundits perpetuating their fraudulent
policies (and thereby violating U.S. statutes safeguarding the public
against fraud by wire, radio and television); (5) placing their
concepts of Israeli interests above national interests of the United
States; and (6) undermining international law so that is becomes
non-binding and neutered.

The scope of the fraud, racketeering, and con games embraced by the
Neocons is reviewed and referenced in absorbing detail. Paul
Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Frank Gaffney's promotion of Boeing's
tanker leasing deal of 2003, which would have cost $27 billion and was
based on inappropriate specifications and airframes, shows the
brazenness of the Neocon frauds, which to date remain unprosecuted.
The difficulty of prosecuting the Neocons has been shown in the
collapse of the case brought by Hollinger Shareholders against Richard
Perle over the payment of hundreds of thousands of dollars in
unscrupulously "earned" fees. Neocons have not only benefited
themselves from their efforts, and also through their think-tanks and
publications, they have also enjoyed individually enormous
behind-the-scenes financial and media support than their ideas
warrant. The Neocons are as tricky to catch as the Mafia is.

In the chapter "Nobility of Lies", Smith takes Condoleezza Rice and
Paul Wolfowitz to task for promoting fear among the American people
that Iraqi-made nuclear bombs would soon be raining down on American
cities. Neither bombs nor the ability to deliver such weaponry was
ever discovered, but it mattered little. American troops had already
been dispatched to Iraq and a hugely costly occupation commenced that
shows no sign of waning. Now these statements are said to be based on
false intelligence, but they were part of a carefully staged
conspiracy to force the American army, constitutionally bound to
defend the homeland, into the heart of the Middle East.

An early chapter discusses the evolution of the principle of the
"preemptive strike," which is a cardinal tenet of Neoconservatism.
Smith traces it to Israel's use of the preemptive strike against
Egypt, Syria and Jordan in the 1967 Middle East War that resulted in a
great victory for Israeli armed forces. Using newly released State
Department documents, he shows how the Israeli "preemptive strike" was
a strategic choice, not a response to imminent aggression, and that
the Egyptians were actively seeking American help to mediate the
dispute between themselves and the Israelis when the Israeli air force
demolished the Egyptian air capability. Preemptive strike, Smith
argues, seems clever, but in fact it is a costly and uncontrollable
strategic tool. The occupation of Palestine by Israel in 1967 and the
occupation of Iraq by the US, both based on the use of the preemptive
strike, have resulted in huge costs and liabilities for both countries.

As for Israel, "a priori devotion to Israel is a common denominator
for all neoconservatives," Smith writes. Many of the neoconservatives
were strongly pro-Likud Party and worked to restrategize Middle East
policy on behalf of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Likud leader, shortly
before he became Israeli prime minister. Support for Israel is the
only explanation of why so many neoconservatives have risked violating
US criminal law by passing on secret information to Israel.

Smith concludes, "This [deadly] dogma's influence on the United States
can be rolled back so that common sense, historical evidence, reason,
and uncorrupted thinking may against navigate the ship of state."
Deadly Dogma is highly provocative: it provokes critical thought and
moral outrage, and should be read by any person concerned by in the
current wayward and malodorous drift of American policy and government.



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