Last              Updated Thurs, Nov, 22 2006,18:10 
am--Mogadishu Somalia                                                           
    Ethiopian              premier Zenawi declares war on Somalia’s Islamists   
                            Aweys Osman Yusuf
               Mogadishu                23, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) -            
    Speaking to parliament in Addis Ababa Prime minister of Ethiopia            
    Meles Zenawi revealed his government has come to a firm decision            
    of gearing up for a war with Somalia’s Union of Islamic Courts,             
   which is in control of most central and southern of the country.
              Males                    Zenawi                                   
       Ethiopia                is believed to have thousands of its military 
troops in the small                town of Baidoa, a temporary seat for the 
toothless transitional                federal government. 
             Ethiopia                merely admits its has hundreds of military 
officers in Somalia to                train the government personnel and 
protect the government form the                Islamic Courts fighters 
surrounding Baidoa.
              Zenawi                said jihad war against Ethiopia was an 
apparent threat to Ethiopia                that could not be ignored, adding 
that the policy of his government                to solve any conflict through 
peaceful means has so far ended in                unproductiveness, and 
therefore has become indispensable to be fully                geared up for the 
defense of Ethiopia against the enemy [Islamists].
              The                news comes as United States government 
formally supported an African                troop deployment to Somalia to 
protect the weak government based                in the small town of Baidoa, 
245 km southwest of the capital.
              Ethiopian                military convoy passing through Kansah 
Omane environs on the edge                of Baidoa was ambushed twice last 
week by pro-Islamist militias                in the area. 
              Two                armored vehicles were blown up as number of 
Ethiopian soldiers was                reportedly killed in skirmishes that took 
place during the ambush.
              Somalia                lost its central government in 1991 when 
tribal warlords toppled                former president Mohammed Siad Barre.
              Peace                talks in the Sudanese capital Khartoum have 
ended in failure early                this month after Islamic Courts demanded 
that all Ethiopian forces                in the country leave.
                                            Shabelle Media Network Somalia
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