Bismillah, As Salaam Alaikum,
  Alhumdullah for this masjid's leadership reversing its original decision to 
ban an ummah member for doing nothing more than exercising his Allah endowed 
rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
  We have an obligation to eradicate this same type of dictatorial punishment 
and banishment from our model Islamic Community.  We have Resident Imams and 
masjid officials in our association, who continue the decades long practice of 
banishing ummah members, just because they don't like the points of view, they 
are legally expressing.
  As in this case, these type officials ban ummah members by dictate, without 
holding any kind of Islamic judicial process, to prove them guilty of any 
punishable offense.  
  And like in this case, they have initiated physical attacks against ummah 
members they differ with.
  Unlike this case these Resident Imams and masjid officials do not reverse 
their haram and shirk behavior.  Instead they stubbornly continue it for years, 
in spite of clear condemnation of the practice by Allah in the Holy Quran and 
Imam W.D. Mohammed in his tasfir. 
    Imam W.D. Mohammed – Houston - 4/26/2003 
  “You don’t deny a person the provisions that G-d has ordered for them during 
your problem or in your conflict with one another.  Don’t deny them the 
provisions Allah (swt) has ordered for them.  Like praying, going to the 
Mosque, G-d ordered that for them no matter how much we are displeased with 
them, they’re still supposed to pray.  
  They’re still supposed to go to the Mosque, They’re supposed to go to Jummah, 
and they’re supposed to hear the khutbah, no matter how much you’re 
dissatisfied with them.  The old way is wrong.
  Somebody breaks a certain law or something, you put them out, they can’t have 
access to the Muslim life anymore, that's wrong.
  That's the way of the people who went astray in the time of the Jews, in the 
history of the Jews. They would banish someone from among them,  called 
banishment, put them out, they couldn't belong to the society anymore, that's  
  If you have a problem with my behavior, I’m speaking for the person, whether 
the husband or the child, if you have a problem with my behavior, I'm still 
entitled to eat at the table.  G-d says we have to eat. He didn't say stop 
eating because you do wrong, they feed you even in the prison, feed you good 
sometimes too."
         Sura 2-217 " They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited 
Month. Say: "Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the 
sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent 
access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members." Tumult and oppression 
are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you 
back from your faith if they can. And if any of you turn back from their faith 
and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the 
Hereafter; they will be Companions of the Fire and will abide therein."

    Sura 96 6-19  "Nay!  Indeed, man transgresses all bounds, considers himself 
to be self-sufficient, although, surely towards your Rabb is his return.  Have 
you seen the one (Abu Jahl) who forbids Our servant from offering Salah 
(prayer)?  Have you considered, if he was on right guidance, or was enjoining 
true piety, why he would forbid someone from prayer?  Have you considered, if 
he denies the truth and turns away, what will happen?  Does he not know that 
Allah is observing all things?  Nay!  Let him know that if he does not stop, we 
will drag him by the forelock, a lying, sinful forelock.  So let him call his 
supporters for help, We too shall call the guards of hell to deal with him.  
Nay!  Do not obey him!  Prostrate yourself and bring yourself closer to your 
  This is a call for them to end this haram and shirk practice that oppresses 
the worship of Allah, and forbids what Allah has made permissable, preferable, 
and obligatory - participation in congregational worship and prayer, within His 
House of Worship.
  Peace, Curtis Sharif
  Houston, Texas

    Local mosque lifts ban on outspoken member 
By BILL SHERMAN World Religion Writer 

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  The governing board of Tulsa's Al-Salam mosque ruled Wednesday night that a 
Pakistani native who had been banned from the mosque can return. 
  Houssam Elsoueissi, president of the operating council at the mosque, said he 
would announce at Friday's service that Jamal Miftah is free to attend services 
as long as there is no disturbance, and that no one at the mosque should 
confront him. 
  Miftah was banned last week after a confrontation at the mosque over a guest 
commentary he wrote that appeared Oct. 29 in the Tulsa World. 
  In it, Miftah criticized Osama bin Laden and other terrorists and suggested 
some U.S. mosques have been collecting money for them. 
  Miftah filed a police report stating that he was backed up against a wall 
after Nov. 18 prayers by two men who harassed him and called him anti-Muslim. 
  He said he was not struck, but was shaken up by the incident, in which one 
man waved a shoe in his face, an Arab insult. 
  He said he filed a police report about the incident because he feared for the 
safety of his family. 
  Elsoueissi said he talked to police about getting a restraining order against 
Miftah to prevent further incidents at             the mosque. 
  Mosque spokeswoman Sheryl Siddiqui said the matter should have been quietly 
resolved, but because of the media and the Internet, "It's had such legs." 
  The story was carried by local television and radio stations and spread 
nationwide on the Internet. 
  "This was not about the article; it was about a disturbance in the mosque," 
she said. "We agree with most of his article, except the one statement that 
American mosques support terrorists. 
  "Our mosque does not, and I don't know of any that do," she said. 
  Tulsan Mujeeb Cheema, executive director of North American Islamic Trust, 
said Miftah's views on bin Laden were "mainline views among American Muslims." 
  However, he said, "I was surprised that a person who has been in the U.S. for 
only three years, and not part of any national Muslim organization, would speak 
so confidently about Islamic institutions in the U.S." 
  Miftah said he has been shocked by the amount of attention the incident 
  He said he has been contacted by people from across the country, Muslim and 
non-Muslim, nearly all of them expressing support. 
  John Swails, chairman of the Department of History, Humanity and Government 
at Oral Roberts University, contacted Miftah after hearing about the 
controversy while he was traveling. 
  "I told him it was a principled and courageous stand, and that I knew it 
exposed him to certain vulnerabilities," Swails said. 
  "For someone like Miftah to take this stand has far-reaching implications," 
he said. "He could be speaking to many other moderate Muslims who are sitting 
quietly by." 
  Miftah said he originally was told not to return to the mosque unless he made 
a written apology. 
  "I'm disturbed," he said. "I'm a very proud Muslim. 
  Elsoueissi said Tulsa Muslims had no disagreement with Miftah's comments 
about bin Laden, but strongly disagreed with his statement that U.S. mosques 
support terrorists. 
  Miftah moved to Tulsa three years ago from Malakand Agency in northwest 
Pakistan, a tribal area, where he had been a banker and an industrialist. He is 
now the credit manager for a large Tulsa firm that he did not want to identify. 
  He said he and his wife and four children are happy to be in the United 
States, and are all doing well. 
  "This country has provided me shelter," he said. 
  Bill Sherman 581-8398 

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