Allah states in the Qur’aan, ‘Do not come close to adultery.’ Therefore, 
adultery and any act prior to adultery like speaking, seeing, etc. is Haraam 
and forbidden. Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] is reported to have said, 
‘The Zina of the eyes is to look, the Zina of the tongue is to speak…’ (Jaamius 
sagheer Hadith4564) 

In the Qur’aan, Allah praises those believers who protect their private parts 
from indulging in any Haraam. Imaam al-Ghazaali [ra] has mentioned that a 
person will not be able to protect himself from committing adultery unless he 
protects his eyes from looking (at strange women), his heart from thinking 
(about strange women) and his limbs of the body from any Haraam act like 
touching, speaking, listening, etc. (Fathul Qadeer vol.4 pg.86; Ilmiyah) 

  is it allowed to have a girlfreind
          Answer 18395    2006-08-15

  If a person has a boyfriend/girlfriend then in some way or the other, he will 
be involving himself/herself in some form of Zina which is Haraam. Therefore, 
it is not permissible to have illicit Haraam relationship with the opposite 
gender. Allah has created man with needs and necessities, and has also shown 
man the way to fulfil these needs. A man needs to fulfil his carnal desires and 
needs a partner in life. To fulfil this need of man, Allah has made Nikah 
(marriage). Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] while addressing a gather of 
youth said, ‘Whoever has the strength and ability to get married should do so, 
otherwise he should fast. Because it causes one to lower his gazes and …’ 

Allah has made Nikah a Sunnah of the Prophet [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] and 
therefore one should act upon this great Sunnah as it will save a person from 
many Haraam acts, protect one’s chastity and save the lineage of the coming 

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best 

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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