AsSalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

This is to request you all to remember brother Maqsud Sobhani and his family in 
your sincere duas / prayers for their quick recovery, health, safety and long 
life.Brother Maqsud Sobhani is very active in doing  dawah works in Dhaka.

Assalamu Alaikum,

    I have some bad news to share with you. There has been a serious car 
accident yesterday outside of Dhaka where my mother, brother, his 
mother-in-law, wife, their 3 month old baby, uncle and aunt were involved. Good 
news is no one died, bad news is everyone was more or less seriously injured. 
Here are the status as I know as of half an hour ago:

    1. Isa - the baby, was thrown out of the Land Rover SUV but as Allah all 
mighty sent HIS angels looking over him, safely put him on a cauliflower farm 
on a full blown cauliflower! As far as we can tell he is fine Alhamdullilah.

    2. Uncle - probably the most seriously hurt. Needed 31 stitches on his head 
as he was sitting in the front seat.

    3. Aunt - chest pain, swollen face, eyes shut due to swellings.

    4. Mother - fracture on her left leg, sprain on her right leg and cuts and 
bruises on her back.

    5. Imon's mother-in-law - another one who was seriously hurt. probably 
broken nose, cuts and bruises all over her body, swollen legs but probably not 

    6. Nozima (Imon's wife) - stitches on her arm and cuts and bruises.

    7. Imon (Maqsud) - Initially passed out after the accident. Currently has 
severe chest pain and pain all over his body.  Lot of cuts and bruises all over 
his body.

    Please keep them in your prayers and hope for a quick recovery. Thanks


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