Somali senior Islamist accuses Aideed of irresponsibility
Aweys Osman Yusuf
Wed, Jan, 03 2007

Mogadishu 03, Jan.07 ( Sh.M.Network) -The fleeing Islamist
spokesperson, Abdirahim Ali Mudey, who spoke to Shabelle Radio in
Mogadishu, said they did not need the amnesty extended to them by the
Somali government.

Islamists' whereabouts
Sheikh Abdirahim Muddey

Mudey told Shabelle Radio by the Phone that Islamists senior officials
were in Somalia and being defended by their tribesmen. "We did not go
beyond our country. We will keep fighting until all Ethiopian troops
leave our country", he said.

Asked if they would give up their ambition of fighting and join the
Somali government, he said they were ready to talk with government
officials if the Ethiopian troops leave Somalia.

Mudey refused to say where exactly they are in the country, he simply
said, "I can not say where we are but we are in Somalia and we are not
afraid any more", he said, adding that senior Islamists like Sheik
sharif and Sheik Aweys are also in the country.

He criticized Hussein Aideed, Smalia's internal affairs minister, for
urging the Somali people to accept that Somalia and Ethiopia should be
combined as one nation and be united with one passport. "I heard the
news that Aideed said Somalia and Ethiopia should be one country. That
is irresponsibility of him and his remarks disappoint many Somali
citizens", he said.

Islamists fled their last stronghold on mid night January 1st after
Ethiopian and government troops supported by tanks and MIG fighter
jets entered the port city of Kismayu and chased the remnants of
Islamists in the area.

Mudey said, "If the world thinks we are dead, they should know we are
alive and will continue the jihad against the infidels in our country".

He said they would never yield to forgiveness of the transitional


Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni will meet with Ethiopian premier
Males Zenawi over the peacekeeping mission in Somalia. Uganda was the
first country that pledged it would send contingents of its military
forces to Somalia as peacekeepers.

United Nations Security Council approved peacekeepers to be deployed
in Somalia in mid November last year.

Ethiopian premier, who spoke in Addis Ababa yesterday, said the
Ethiopian troops in Somalia would be withdrawn in a few weeks.

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