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President George W. Bush discusses Social Security in Shreveport, La.,
Friday, March 11, 2005. "When people -- when a person owns something,
they have a vital stake in the future of the country," said the
President talking about personal savings accounts.


Baby chimpanzee arrives naturally at Chimp Haven
Newborn comes despite males having had vasectomies
By Teddy Allen
Shreveport Times
January 17, 2007


Newborn Tracy with her mother, a wild-born chimpanzee in her late 40s
named Teresa, and a chimpanzee named Rita at Chimp Haven in southwest
Caddo. (Undated photo submitted by Chimp Haven)

Map of Chimp Haven

A closeup of newborn Tracy at her mother's breast. (Undated photo
submitted by Chimp Haven)

Despite birth control steps taken among its residents, all retired,
Chimp Haven is home to a newborn.

Teresa, a wild-born chimpanzee in her late 40s, delivered a baby girl
Jan. 8, Chimp Haven announced Tuesday, eight days after the birth.

Mother and daughter, named Tracy, are alert and well.

The father's identity is unknown. All male chimpanzees receive
vasectomies before they arrive at the sanctuary in southwest Caddo. A
Chimp Haven news release dated Tuesday says information for paternity
testing is being gathered "to determine who the father is, so that we
can address the vasectomy failure immediately."

Local philanthropist and major donor William Robinson will provide
costs for the care of Tracy, the 11th baby born to Teresa but her
first in 13 years and her first since entering retirement in the
sanctuary near Keithville.

Upkeep costs average about $5,000 per year per resident.

Tracy's arrival makes 90 chimps at the haven; she is the only one not
in retirement.

Chimp Haven officials were hesitant to release the information until
they were "sure mom and baby were doing fine," said Rick DelaHaya, the
organization's public relations manager. Had the birth or first week
of life resulted in complications or death, DelaHaya said, Chimp Haven
"probably would have" released that information.

It is not unusual for females to have babies at Teresa's age, he said;
behaviorists at Chimp Haven are aware of a female in captivity giving
birth at age 60. Males can reproduce into their 50s, DelaHaya said.

Also, unplanned pregnancies have happened at other retirement homes,
despite the males having had vasectomies, he said.

Chimp Haven personnel "suspected in late fall" that Teresa might be
pregnant but were still "kind of surprised" by last week's birth, he
said, "because of the age of Teresa ... plus the males all had

A timeline of determining the father is uncertain but "they've
narrowed it down to three or four of the seven males in that group
because of their interest in the female," DelaHaya said. Blood and
hair samples are being collected from the males and will be collected
from the baby, he said.

A special ceremony is not planned for the father once paternity is
discovered, DelaHaya said when asked. "I think the ceremony will be
that particular male having another procedure. Doesn't sound like much
fun, but we do what we have to do."

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