When the Commander of the army in the Battle of Yarmook wrote to Ameer 
al-Mu`mineen, 'Umar bin al-Khattab he said: "We are facing a people who are 
like sand [in numbers], so equip us with strength and supply us with men." 

'Umar, radiallahu 'anhu wrote back to him saying: "In the name of Allah, the 
Benevolent, the Merciful. From the slave of Allah, 'Umar bin al-Khattaab to the 
commander of the army, so-and-so, son of so-and-so, to proceed: Know that you 
do not fight your enemy by your strength or numbers, rather you fight them with 
your righteous actions, so if you rectify them (your actions) you win and if 
you corrupt them (your actions) you lose. So be on guard from your bad deeds, 
as you are on guard from your enemy"

The examples to support this view are many in history. One example is the 
battle of Yarmook, when the enemy surpassed the Muslims by number and 
preparation. One narration states that the Romans were 120,000 in number, 
equipped with the latest weaponry of the time, including catapults, flame 
throwers and such, and the Muslims were only 12,000 in number, equipped with 
simple weaponry like swords and arrows. Despite this, the Muslims were still 
victorious upon their enemy due to the strength of their morale, the basis of 
which was their belief in Allah and reliance upon Him.

This is the true, correct understanding of terrorism, but the enemies of Allah, 
His Messenger and Religion from amongst the envious Crusaders, and Zionists 
understand terrorism in another light. To those misguided disbelievers, 
terrorism is Islam and Jihad: The “terrorists” are the Mujahid Muslims. For 
this reason, the disbelievers gathered from all over the earth to fight the 
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the pretext of fighting terrorism, despite 
the fact that there is no evidence that linked the Islamic Emirate or Osama bin 
Laden with what happened in America. The Crusaders and Zionists know with 
certainty that what happened in New York and Washington occurred at the hands 
of radical Zionists or Christian movements, but because they saw an Islamic 
awakening in Afghanistan and they were fearful of the implementation of the 
Sharee'ah, in that Emirate. They feared that this could spread to the 
surrounding nations and so they went forth with this terror campaign in
 which they used all sorts of internationally prohibited weaponry such as 
cluster bombs, bunker busters and others, killing thousands of civilian men, 
women and children.

is that many of the rulers of the Arabs and Muslims and some of the scholars of 
Islam sided with the disbelievers. They supported the war against the Muslims 
in Afghanistan without having any evidence that linked what happened in America 
to the Taliban government and without knowing the meaning of terrorism as 
defined by America and its friends in disbelief.

For those of you who have taken the time to read what I have written on this 
issue, you might assume that the sole aim of the Crusaders in their campaign 
against the Afghan is to crush Islam and Jihad only. While this is the chief 
aim, the reality is that the Crusaders have other goals in this campaign also. 
One is to exercise control over the nuclear reactors in that area, like those 
in Pakistan, because the possession of nuclear weapons by Muslims is regarded 
as a great threat to the Judeo-Christian Zionist interests. It wasn't long ago 
that the Zionists destroyed the nuclear reactors in Iraq, and they are making 
present attempts to harm the nuclear reactors in Pakistan through a conspiracy.

Another goal is control of the oil fields in Central Asia in an effort to seek 
further control of this world. If this were not the case, then the whole world 
is filled with organised terrorist movements in South America, Peru, Argentina, 
Colombia, North of America, Europe, Spain, Italy and Russia. Why did they not 
launch campaigns and declare their war on those countries in which these 
criminal terrorist movements exist? And if this is a war against terrorism, 
then the state-sponsored terrorism perpetrated by the Zionists in Palestine, 
the Americans in Afghanistan, the Serbians in Bosnia and Kosovo are true 
examples of the reality of terrorism. 


I ask Allah to grant success to all the Muslims, to abide by the Book and the 
Sunnah of His Messenger, sallallahu 'alayhi wa salam, and to ward the Muslims 
away from disobeying the teachings of the pure Sharee'ah.

And may Allah send His peace and blessings upon Muhammed, his family and his 


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