This is the 3rd year for this event. Well worth attending !!

NMC Student Union <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 10:25:57 
From: NMC Student Union <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Israeli Apartheid Week 2007



Toronto, Ontario
February 12-17, 2007


For the third consecutive year, Israeli Apartheid Week will take place
in Toronto from February 12-17, 2007. This year we continue to work
towards building a collective understanding of the Zionist ethnic
cleansing, colonization and occupation of Palestine. The series of
events will include nightly talks and presentations from some of the
leading activists and analysts in the anti-apartheid movement such as
Bonita Lawrence, Joel Kovel, Walter Lehn, and Jamal Zahalka. The week
will culminate in a day of action on February 17th as part of the
growing boycott, divestment, and sanctions campaign against Israeli

The apartheid analysis put forward during Israeli Apartheid Week in
previous years has played an important role in raising awareness and
disseminating information about Zionism, the Palestinian liberation
struggle, as well as the connections with the Aboriginal sovereignty
struggle on Turtle Island and the South African Anti-Apartheid movement.
Rapidly spreading on a global scale, this year, Israeli Apartheid Week
will be taking place simultaneously in Toronto, Montreal, New York,
Oxford, Cambridge and London.

As Israel and its global backers like "Canada" and the "United States"
tighten the strangulation hold on the Palestinian people in an attempt
to provoke Palestinian infighting; and while the Israeli military
continues its brutal daily assault on Palestinian life, it is crucial
that people in the rest of the world wake up to the apartheid nature of
the Israeli state, and realize that it is our collective responsibility
to expose and isolate this racist regime until apartheid is dismantled.


Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) Proudly Present:



***Visit Regularly for Updates***

Monday February 12th 2007

"Apartheid: Turtle Island, South Africa, Palestine"
Speakers: Bonita Lawrence, Shaheen Ariefdien, Hazem Jamjoum
Moderator: Judy Rebick

Location: Ryerson University (Main Building) LIB 72
Directions: 350 Victoria Street. Exit at Dundas Station. Walk East on
Dundas, and then North on Victoria Street)
Time: 7pm

Tuesday February 13th 2007 (2 events: 12pm and 7pm)

Film Screening: "Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance"

Location: Sidney Smith (room 2128)
Directions: 100 St. George Street (Exit from St. George subway Station
and walk South a little past Harbord)
Time: 12pm


"The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine"
Speakers: Azada Rahi, Zac Smith, Issam Al Yamani
Moderator: Kole Kilibarda

Location: University of Toronto, Tanz Neuroscience Building, Room 6/7
Directions: 6 Queen's Park Crescent West (On the North-East Corner of
College and Queen's Park (right next to Queen's Park Subway
Time: 7pm

Wednesday February 14th 2007 (2 events: 12pm and 7pm)

Hundreds of Indigenous women have been murdered or have gone missing
over the last 30 years. Today we come together to demonstrate against
the complicity of the colonizer state and its institutions - police,
RCMP, coroners offices and the courts, in the ongoing genocide against
First Nations. Indigenous communities are over-policed and indigenous
girls make up the fastest growing prison population yet their deaths
go uninvestigated and their killers unpunished. Organized by NO MORE

Location: Outside Toronto POLICE headquarters at Bay and College
Directions: Exit at College Subway Station and walk half a block west.
Time: 12pm


"Apartheid in Present-day Palestine"
Speakers: Walter Lehn, Jon Elmer, Nimer Sultany
Moderator: Zein Ayoub

Location: University of Toronto, Tanz Neuroscience Building, Room 6/7
Directions: 6 Queen's Park Crescent West (On the North-East Corner of
College and Queen's Park (right next to Queen's Park Subway
Time: 7pm

Thursday February 15th 2007

"Ideologies of Genocide and Apartheid"
Speakers: Gabi Piterberg, Joel Kovel
Moderator: Navid Anvari

Location: University of Toronto, Tanz Neuroscience Building, Room 6/7
Directions: 6 Queen's Park Crescent West (On the North-East Corner of
College and Queen's Park (right next to Queen's Park Subway
Time: 7pm

Friday February 16th 2007

"Debunking the Myth of Israel as a Democracy"
Speaker: Jamal Zahalka
Moderator: Rafeef Ziadah

Location: OISE Auditorium (Ontario Institute of Secondary Education)
Directions: Next to St. George Subway Station (exit on Bedford Street),
252 Bloor Street West
Time: 7pm

Saturday Feb 17th 2007 (2 events: 1pm and 7pm)

Please join CAIA and allies to protest Israeli Apartheid and highlight
the support it receives from the Heseg Foundation. Please visit
for more information about Heseg and the
Chapters/Indigo connection. Organized by the Coalition against Israeli
Apartheid (CAIA).

Location: Israeli Consulate at 180 Bloor Street West
Directions: Exit at St. George Subway Station and walk East on Bloor
St. till you get to Avenue Rd.
Time: 1pm


PLUS music by Rubin, Bona Mohammad, and many more!
Light refreshments will be served
Bring your family and friends - this is a child-friendly event
Most importantly...Bring your game!

Location: TBA
Time: 7pm


                                              Should anyone have been silent 
during the Jewish holocaust ? No ! Let's not be silent during the Palestinian 
holocaust. Call Stephen Harper at 613-992-4211 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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