while sitting on a
             f a Musallee due to old age,             illness, etc, CANNOT 
PERFORM SAJDAH IN THE NORMAL MANNER (by placing the forehead on the             
ground), he should perform the entire Salaah SITTING. The Ruku and Sajdah must  
           be performed with the indication of the head. The above method 
applies whether one is             sitting on the ground or on a chair. This is 
the best procedure. One should not perform             part of the Salaah 
standing and part of it sitting. Though the Salaah will be correct if           
  performed standing, it is contrary to the best method. 
             If the abovementioned Musallee is             performing Salaah 
with Jama'ah while sitting on a chair, where does he place his chair?
             The back legs of the chair should be placed in line with the heels 
of the             musallees who are standing. Thus the shoulders of the 
Musallee who is             sitting will be in line with the rest of the saff. 
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