Talking About 
Israel: NICHOLAS KRISTOF                                               THE 
OP-ED COLUMNISTTalking About Israel By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOFPublished: March 18, 
 The lack of serious political debate about our policy toward Israelis and 
Palestinians harms America, Middle East peace prospects and Israel itself.
Democrats are railing at just about everything President Bush does, with one 
prominent exception: Mr. Bush’s crushing embrace of Israel.

There is no serious political debate among either Democrats or Republicans 
about our policy toward Israelis and Palestinians. And that silence harms 
America, Middle East peace prospects and Israel itself. 
 Within Israel, you hear vitriolic debates in politics and the news media about 
the use of force and the occupation of Palestinian territories. Yet no major 
American candidate is willing today to be half as critical of hard-line Israeli 
government policies as, say, Haaretz, the Israeli newspaper.
 Three years ago, Israel’s minister of justice spoke publicly of photos of an 
elderly Palestinian woman beside the ruins of her home, after it had been 
destroyed by the Israeli army. He said that they reminded him of his own 
grandmother, who had been dispossessed by the Nazis. Can you imagine an 
American cabinet secretary ever saying such a thing?
With commentary

                          The Ides of March 2003: FRANK RICH - The March to War 
                                              THE COMPLETE ARTICLE WITH ALL 
OP-ED COLUMNISTThe Ides of March 2003 By FRANK RICHPublished: March 18, 2007
 A chronology of some of the high and low points in the days leading up to the 
national train wreck whose anniversary we mourn this week.
TOMORROW night is the fourth anniversary of President Bush’s prime-time address 
declaring the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom. In the broad sweep of history, 
four years is a nanosecond, but in America, where memories are congenitally 
short, it’s an eternity. That’s why a revisionist history of the White House’s 
rush to war, much of it written by its initial cheerleaders, has already taken 
hold. In this exonerating fictionalization of the story, nearly every 
politician and pundit in Washington was duped by the same “bad intelligence” 
before the war, and few imagined that the administration would so botch the 
invasion’s aftermath or that the occupation would go on so long. “If only I had 
known then what I know now ...” has been the persistent refrain of the war 
supporters who subsequently disowned the fiasco. But the embarrassing reality 
is that much of the damning truth about the administration’s case for war and 
its hubristic expectations for a cakewalk were publicly
 available before the war, hiding in plain sight, to be seen by anyone who 
wanted to look. 
 By the time the ides of March arrived in March 2003, these warning signs were 
visible on a nearly daily basis. So were the signs that Americans were 
completely ill prepared for the costs ahead. Iraq was largely anticipated as a 
distant, mildly disruptive geopolitical video game that would be over in a 
 Now many of the same leaders who sold the war argue that escalation should be 
given a chance. This time they’re peddling the new doomsday scenario that any 
withdrawal timetable will lead to the next 9/11. The question we must ask is: 
Has history taught us anything in four years?

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