Religion Essential
by Charley Reese
I have come to believe that one can have a successful Christian society, Jewish 
society, Muslim society, Hindu society or Buddhist society, but not an agnostic 
or atheistic society that is successful. 
George Washington, as he so often did, explained it quite well in his farewell 
"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, 
Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim 
the tribute of Patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of 
human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and Citizens.... And 
let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained 
without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined 
education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us 
to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious 
Washington was not talking about contentious and doctrinaire people arguing 
about dogma. He always condemned that. He was referring to the basic underlying 
morality that all the great religions teach. 
The basic thing that protects our persons, our property and our liberty is the 
morality that individuals possess in their own hearts. The law cannot be a 
substitute for that. No law can protect you from a dishonest merchant or a thug 
because the law is always, of necessity, applied after the fact, and then only 
on a selective basis. Furthermore, as we have seen, the law and the system of 
justice often degenerate into a tragic farce. 
It's interesting to note that the current debate on a constitution for the 
European Union involves several states that wish the new document to 
acknowledge Europe's Christian heritage. It indeed has one. Europe was once 
known as Christendom. 
Our own country has a Christian heritage. Despite the fact that there were 
non-Christian minorities, during the Colonial and early republic days the 
overwhelming majority of Americans were of the Christian faith. What began 
happily as tolerance for non-Christians has now degenerated into demands by 
some non-Christians that all traces of Christianity be driven from the public 
Again, Washington said, "With slight shades of difference, you have the same 
religion, manners, habits and political principles." It was that sameness of 
religion, manners, habits and political principles that united our ancestors. 
Substituting "diversity" will disunite us. There is no virtue in diversity per 
se. Experience teaches that the most stable societies are the most homogeneous. 
Experience also teaches us that a society without an underlying private 
morality will degenerate into a corrupt jungle. I surprised some people once by 
saying that I would rather live in a neighborhood of Islamic fundamentalists 
than in a neighborhood of atheists and agnostics. That's true. You can count on 
the morality that Islam teaches; there is no morality for atheists and 
agnostics, except what they arbitrarily choose. 
Some years ago, I inadvertently put this to the test by becoming lost late at 
night in the slums of Cairo, Egypt. Despite being dressed in an American 
business suit and far from any law enforcement, I was never accosted or 
threatened by anyone. I dare say there are American slums where no sensible 
person would wish to go late at night. 
The bottom line is that if we become an immoral people, we will eventually lose 
both our prosperity and our liberty. A free society cannot exist without trust, 
and it is morality that cements that trust. We are drifting toward the abyss, 
and we had all better think seriously about why this is happening.

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