Islam through Quotations
by _Kamal-Eldin  Hassan_ 
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    *   Paperback  
    *   ISBN: 1594537615  
    *   Pub. Date: April 2006  
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More About Islam through  Quotations
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Product Details
    *   ISBN: 1594537615
ISBN-13: 9781594537615  
    *   Format: Paperback, 132pp  
    *   Publisher: Airleaf Publishing &  Bookselling  
    *   Sales Rank: 500,634  
>From  the Publisher
This book is written for Muslims living outside  of Islamic countries and do 
not know the Arabic language so they  may understand, with the least effort, 
the basic principles and  spirit of their religion. With so many 
misrepresentations about  Islam; this book should also be useful to non-Muslims 
understand Islam, and Muslims, better. The word 'Islam' means  peace, 
submission to 
God's will and obedience to His laws. It is  based mainly on the Quran revealed 
by God to His Messenger and  Prophet Mohamed and the Prophet's application of 
the rules thus  revealed. Islam is the continuation of all former religious  
principles decreed by God through His revelations to all prophets.  The 
prophets include Moses, Jesus Christ (as a prophet but not as  a divine) and 
many of 
the prophets and leaders of the Old  Testament. Unlike other religions, there 
is no titular head,  clergy, nor priesthood in all of Islam. Also, unlike the 
way other  religions are understood and practiced, Islam is a 'way of life'  
that encompasses all aspects of community activities, not only  supplication to 
God. Indeed, it is said (1:874)* that 'the true  saint in Islam goes in and 
out amongst people and sleeps with  them, buys and sells in the market, marries 
and takes part in  social intercourse, and never forgets God for a single 
moment'.  Islam is presented in this book through quotations to eliminate  the 
effect of the writer's personal opinion. Quotations are taken  mainly from the 
Quran and the Prophet's 'Hadith' (quotations).  Added to them are quotations 
from the 'Rightly Guided Caliphs.'  The reason for choosing the quotations from 
these caliphs is that  they were constant companions of the Prophet and, 
therefore,  understood Islam 'first hand.' The quotations cited present,  
therefore, a view of Islam free from accretions of tradition; in  its purest 

Customer Reviews
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Hadayai Majeed ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), a publisher  and author, 05/22/2006   
Great Book for non-Arabic Speaking  People
This book was written out of love of a grandfather  for his American born 
grandchildren. He wanted them to know their  culture and their religion was not 
always the same. He also wanted  them to know Islam (their faith) as more than 
rituals. Islam  Through Quotations is a great book to give to as a gift to 
anyone  who wants to know the religion of Islam for themselves without the  
commentary of others. The author took quotes directly from the  Quran to 
subjects such as: Marriage, Business  Relationships, Treatment of Pets and the 
Islamic view of War. This  book is a must for all students in Comparative 
Religion classes,  individuals who want to know about the religion for 
and  for new Muslims who need a quick reference or quide. Easy to carry  in a 
purse or briefcase.  Affordable.

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