How can Islam be served
  by killing 33 Lebanese soldiers ??

How can the Palestinian cause be served
by inviting a civil war to the inside of a refugee's camp ??

I really do not know , 
unless when "Fateh el Islam" are neither Fateh nor Muslim !!

Knowing what I think to know,
Fateh el Islam are financed by the Saudis and the USA

Seeing what I saw ,
Fateh el Islam are sabotaging Lebanese unity
and sabotaging the Libano-Palestinian social- solidarity

Suspecting what I always suspect ,
Syria is being demonised and held again responsible.
  And Hamas and Hezbollah might be intentionally confused 
  with that same Fateh el Islam .

Conclusion :
let us rather blame whoever has sent us those "Fateh el Islam"
and let us demand from our Muslim-brothers
to forbid to Fateh el Islam , to bear the name of Islam.
and let us request that the PLO , not to host them in their camps......
  and to condemn the Lebanese government for allowing them on
  Lebanese soil.......
Please , 
  send them back to Langley, Virginia  or to Riyadh
  and let them take along Fouad Siniora as hand-luggage,
  he is after all so small !!
  Sherlock Hommos  
26th of May 2007

  PS :
  Fateh el Islam is  the rotten-apple
  in a case full of clean and healthy Liberation-Islam !!

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