the winner

  the thief

the idiot 
  ( with the other winner)
  Lord Balfour gave once away a country 
  which was never his
  he gave away Palestine which was not even yet occupied by him,
  the Turks were there , the day he promised it.
  Lord Balfour gave away Arab-Palestine 
  to a French-Jewish-Millionaire-Banker , Baron de Rothschild , 
  who was probably the richest man on Earth 
  looking for some new fruitful colonial investments.
  King Leopold of Belgium got the Congo for himself
  Cecil Rhodes got Rhodesia
  and the Baron de Rothschild got Palestine.........
  And Zionists told us , all the time, that Palestine "never existed"
  so how could Lord Balfour give away anything that "never existed" ??
  regardless to the fact that it was "never his own"  either ??
  Palestine indeed existed and still does.
  The Zionists mentioned it in all their colonial-manuals
  and criminal-theory-books.
  Lord Balfour mentioned it in his illegal promise
  and the United Nations Assembly
  agreed on it (nevertheless but under many conditions)
  So the Zionists got themselves an unlawful promise
  from an unlawful owner to go and grab a country which "never existed".
  Once there, they chased out from that " country without people"
  one million Palestinian refugees.
  So Palestine which "never existed and was non-inhabited"
  produced one Million refugees after being offered on a silver plate
  from the one who did not even own it , let alone even occupy it.
  So much for Lord Balfour.......
  60 years later,
  a colleague of Lord Balfour 
  who goes by the name Blair ( very soon Lord Blair) or Blairfour....
  comes to fix-up the whole mess 
  which until now, has not created a safe heaven for any Jews
  nor justice for all Palestinians.
  This Blair invaded Iraq just to make Israel safer.
  This same  Blair shall bomb Tehran just to make Tel Aviv even safer
  and this Blair shall play now the referee in a match
  between the people of that "never existing country"
  and the people who pretend to be its people
  while having Ethiopian and Lithuanian mothers simultaneously
  and who knows , how many fathers.....!!!
  Blair is to establish Peace, 
  when he could not even win any war ,
  neither honestly  , nor otherwise.
  Blair is coming to repair Balfour's crime.
  Mission Impossible  ? 
  or the Impossible Missionary !!
  When you never want your car to be repaired
  you just take it to the wrong garages.
  When you want your opponent to loose
  you recommend him a bad Lawyer.
  When you never want Peace
  you just trust it in the hands of the wrong negotiator.
  Of course Mahmoud Abbas shall welcome Blair
  because he has nothing to lose.
  And Ehud Olmert shall also welcome Blair
  because he cannot lose.......
  Long Live Lord Blairfour !!
  He shall promise what he has not
  and he shall have nothing to promise.
  Eng. Moustafa  Roosenbloom
  maybe not a historian but so much he knows !!
  the 3rd of July 2007

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