"Do Men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe" & that they 
will not be tested? We did test those before them, & Allah will certainly know 
those who are True from those who are false.”
  (Al-Quran 29:2-3 - Ankabut – [The Spider])
  Myanmar's Muslims  - Unlikely Sanctuary
  Jun 28th 2007 | JINGHONG
>From The Economist print edition
  Huddled masses, yearning to be free and going to China  AT FIRST glance, 
Yunnan would seem the sort of place a pious Muslim should avoid. AIDS is 
rampant in this province in south-western China and Beijing's efforts have 
failed to curb the drugs and prostitution that spread the disease. Moreover 
China has an appalling record of suppressing religious freedom, including that 
of Muslims. In its western region of Xinjiang some have taken up arms.
  Yet Muslims from neighbouring Myanmar flock to Yunnan. In cities such as 
Jinghong and Liuku, they sell Burmese gems in shops decorated with Arabic 
calligraphy and pictures of Mecca. A jeweller in Jinghong, who has lived here 
for six years, says that in Myanmar “the Buddhists fight us Muslims and don't 
let us work. The government is very evil. Here in China you can work in peace.”
  No one knows how many Burmese live in Yunnan. Many enter illegally. Official 
statistics suggest that Muslims make up about 4% of Myanmar's population of 
around 47m, but that is almost certainly an underestimate. The ruling junta has 
a history of discrimination against Muslims, particularly the Rohingya ethnic 
group, more than 250,000 of whom fled from Arakan province into neighbouring 
Bangladesh in the early 1990s. 
  Mosques and schools in Myanmar are shut down arbitrarily. Many Muslims find 
their movements restricted unless they pay hefty bribes; others languish in 
detention after officially instigated clashes with Buddhists. It does not help 
that their political sympathies often lie with the democratic opposition, whose 
leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, remains in detention. 
  In China, in contrast, the Burmese find that, as long as they make no 
trouble, their faith is immaterial. Compared with other countries of refuge, 
such as Bangladesh, China offers relative stability. Even America is not as 
enticing a prospect. The jeweller frets that, as a Muslim, he would risk jail 
there. Business in China is booming, too; jewellers can make as much as 30,000 
yuan ($3,900) per month.
  The local population gives them a mixed reception. The Hui—ethnic-Chinese 
Muslims many of whom have family in Myanmar—are friendly to their 
co-religionists. Burmese men here boast of taking Hui mistresses and wives. But 
Yunnan, like much of China, remains plagued by vast income inequality; the 
wealthy jewellers live beside subsistence farmers. Some resent the 
better-educated, wealthier Burmese immigrants. Undercurrents of racism do 
exist, as do reports of Burmese trafficking guns and drugs. 
  If the resentment flares into violence, many Chinese Hui might side with the 
Burmese. As heroin and AIDS have already shown, Myanmar's internal affairs are 
not just internal. Despite this, China helps prop up its repellent regime even 
as it offers some of its victims sanctuary.
                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  
                                                                    "For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

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