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*The Purity of Islam*

IT is important in this present day that the children of Adam clearly
understand the true meaning of Islam.

We must know the value of its purity, of its peacefulness, its unity, its
sincerity, its honesty, and the value of its spirit and justice and truth.
We must know the greatness of Allah Who rules over all this, and we must
find tranquility in our lives, so that we will be able to guide others
toward peacefulness.

To all those who have accepted Allah and His Messenger, Muhammad (peace be
upon him), with perfect faith, certitude, and determination before we can
bring peace to all life, before we can eliminate poverty, suffering,
illusion, and disease in the world, before we can come to love every life as
we do our own, we must first understand the value of absolute faith.

To have firm faith in Allah, the Almighty Lord, to know Him, to pray to Him,
to believe with complete certitude in His messengers, prophets, and angels,
to carry out the commandments sent through them, to bring into our
consciousness His gracious qualities and all His attributes, and to dedicate
our lives to His worship - this is the true meaning of Islam.

Islam is equality, peacefulness, and unity. Islam is inner patience,
contentment, trust in Allah, and greatness of Allah. One who understands
this and puts it into practice will be a true believer; he will know Allah
and His commandments and practice the injunctions given through His

Allah sent His prophets to man to free him from his enslavement to earth,
wealth, sensual pleasures, desires, thoughts and attachments. And yet man is
suffering and can find no freedom; he is a slave to so many things. He has
no peace, tranquility, equality, or love. The children of Adam must release
themselves from the bondage of worldly pleasures.

If only man could acquire the wealth of Allah's love and integrity, the
wealth of His beautiful laws, then he would never lack in anything. That
wealth is pure; it is the purity of Islam. If man had such inner wealth, he
would never meet with loss in this world or in the Hereafter. He would be
safe and secure in both worlds. Allah has asked mankind to accept this, to
find freedom, and to raise the banner of unity on the staff of love.

People with strong faith know that it is important to cleanse their own
hearts, while those with unsteady faith seek to find fault in the hearts and
prayers of others. This becomes a habit in their lives. But those who pray
to Allah with faith, determination, and certitude know that the most
important thing in life is to surrender their hearts to Allah.

If the fountain of the heart is full, then all creations can come and
partake of its clear water. If it is shallow, then all those who come will
stir up the mud and have nothing but dirty water to drink.

Let us constantly strengthen our faith, certitude, and determination. Allah
sent this gift of faith to each of the prophets and finally gave it in
perfection to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The fundamental
explanations of perfect faith were given to Allah's messengers, and they in
turn shared them with mankind. There are very deep meanings to be found in

Compiled from various sources.

*Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, to
post on** *

*Internet sites and to publish** in full text and subject title in
not-to-profit publications.** *

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*Note that an English translation of the Qur'an is an interpretation of the
Qur'an, and does not have the perfect status as the Qur'an in its original
Arabic form. ***

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