Beware of WMD, Korean Missionaries Under Fire
  Read the full article in section (WMD) Weapons of Missionary Deception at:
  Dr. Adel Elsaie
  After the last fiasco of the Korean Missionaries in Afghanistan, the Taliban 
agreed to free the 19 South Korean hostages on the condition that South Korea 
withdraws its troops within this year and halt missionary activities.
  According to Henry Lee, a mission leader based in Seoul, this kind of drive 
is a trait shared by many Koreans, sending them to dangerous regions.
  Henry Lee Works for Frontiers, one of the largest missionary church in USA 
working mainly on Muslims.
  Their advertising slogan is "Serving, respecting and loving Muslims ... In 
the name of Jesus."
  For seven years, Lee worked with Muslims in another red zone, violence-torn 
Chechnya and Dagestan, located between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea and 
governed by Russia. He worked to plant churches and raise national church 
leaders. After being expelled from Russia in 2003, Lee worked as a mission 
pastor in Southern California. He now trains Korean missionaries for Frontiers, 
which works in Muslim countries.
  Lee teaches his students how to enter and gain trust in a Muslim community. 
All Asians have a mistrust of outsiders, Lee says. "If I don't know you, I 
can't trust you." For missionaries in the Muslim world, it is even more true. 
"Unless you break into that community, you cannot get them for the kingdom of 
God," Lee says.
  Lee also says it's nearly impossible to pull a Muslim out of his or her 
community. "We do not do extraction evangelism," he says. "We don't want to 
take them out of their community to build a new fellowship. I want to see God's 
fellowship built in that Muslim community, and then that community will last 
and reproduce."
  If you search in this site for : Korean missionary, you will find 279 
matching articles !!!!!
    Read the full article in section (WMD) Weapons of Missionary Deception at:

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